Going from 'Risk'? to 'Resilience'?...   
How do we get there?                
Lessons learned - From Lebanon and elsewhere...

Going from 'Risk' to 'Resilience'... How do we get there? Lessons learned - From Lebanon and elsewhere...

The intent of the 11th Brunel International Lecture Series 2015-2017 ("From Risk to Resilience") was to collect feedback from Engineering and Emergency management on how local communities could be inspired to unite around 'Resilience.

Among the results was that Critical Infrastructure Protection and Restoring Essential Services is a key priority. One that requires a joint effort by engineers ('hardware'), emergency managers ('software') and the local community ('end-users'). But also one that requires a joint effort by public entities and private sector companies.

Putting the above together, Ramy El-Khoury (Middle East/Engineering) and Eelco Dykstra (Europe/Emergency Management) are developing an international public-private consortium to tackle the following question: 'Lessons Learned or Learnable: How (not) to rebuild critical infrastructure and restore essential services in the aftermath of disasters?'

What have been the lessons learned in Lebanon? What are the lessons learned from other countries? Have they been be applied? If so, what was the result? If not, why not? What is their alignment with the SDG's and DRR programs of the United Nations? To what extent can these lessons learned from Lebanon and other countries be 'exported' to post-conflict areas in the MENA region and elsewhere?

If this topic or any of the questions triggers your interest, then we'd certainly like to hear from you!


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