Going From Good To Great | 从好到更好

Going From Good To Great | 从好到更好

Going from good to great isn’t always easy. The most successful people in the world have all struggled in their journey to greatness. Oprah Winfrey was fired at 23 and Jack Ma was rejected by Harvard 10 times. Can you imagine firing Oprah and rejecting Jack Ma? But the truth is, the Oprah who was fired at 23 isn’t the Oprah we know now, and the Jack Ma that Havard rejected isn’t the Jack Ma the world sees today. They all had to overcome their fair share of obstacles before becoming the success they are today. The truth is, there is no one single and correct roadmap that can point you to success, but there are important practices that successful people follow that can help guide you on your journey to greatness.


Watch Coach Janine explain how to go from good to great in the video below! 观看教练Janine在下面的视频中解释如何从优秀走向卓越!

Surround Yourself With?The Right People | 让合适的人围绕你自己

High-performance business success coach, Dan Pe?a once said, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” If you want to make a positive change in your life, you need to first realize how important it is to surround yourself with the right people. When you surround yourself with positive people, you are more likely to adopt empowering beliefs and have a brighter perspective on life. Similarly, just as you’ll become a more positive person when you keep the right people around, you’ll also suffer when you surround yourself with negative and narrow-minded people.

高绩效商业成功教练Dan Pe?a曾经说过,“让我看看你的朋友,我会告诉你你的未来。”如果你想在生活中做出积极的改变,你首先需要意识到与合适的人在一起是多么重要。当你周围都是积极的人时,你更有可能采纳授权的信念,对生活有更光明的看法。同样地,当你身边有合适的人时,你会变得更加积极,当你身边有消极和狭隘的人时,你也会遭受痛苦。

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Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone | 走出你的舒适区

Getting out of your comfort zone is difficult for a reason - your brain doesn’t want anything to change. In your comfort zone, your needs are met, you are surviving, and your brain wants to protect you from experiences that’ll put your survival at risk. But as much as your brain wants to ensure your survival, getting out of your comfort zone is critical for growth. When you allow yourself to leave your comfort zone from time to time, not only will you learn to respond better to stress, you’ll also learn to discover yourself and what you’re really made of.


Here's how the comfort zone works 下面是舒适区的工作原理

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As a practice, use the template below to list out more examples 作为实践,使用下面的模板列出更多示例

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Identify Your Saboteurs | 识别你的破坏者

The human mind is wired to expect the worst-case scenario because it wants to keep you safe and alive. As a result, your own mind is filled with “Saboteurs” - the voices in your head that generate negative emotions to help you stay safe through the risk and challenges of your daily life. The author of New York Times best-selling author and Stanford lecturer, Shirzad Chamine, has narrowed these Saboteurs down into 10 different characters so that you can easily identify them and strategize how to silence them for a more positive perspective in life and business.

人类的思维习惯于预测最坏的情况,因为它想让你保持安全和活着。因此,你自己的头脑中充满了“破坏者”——你头脑中的声音会产生负面情绪,帮助你在日常生活的风险和挑战中保持安全。《纽约时报》畅销书作者、斯坦福大学讲师谢扎德·查明(Shirzad Chamine)将这些破坏者缩小为10个不同的角色,这样你就可以很容易地识别他们,并制定策略,让他们保持沉默,以便从更积极的角度看待生活和商业。

Scan the QR code in the flyer below to find out more about the Saboteurs that are hindering your success! 扫描下面传单中的二维码,了解更多阻碍您成功的破坏者!

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Janine Jakob 安丽彦的更多文章

