Going From Caterpillar to Butterfly...
Ignite Your Vision With Global Ignite Vision & Action Awards

Going From Caterpillar to Butterfly...

Tis' the season to GIVA back again... Yes, GIVA is now a verb! At least in my vocabulary, it is the season to give back with purpose and intention. It is my joy to see others win - and that's what gets me up every day...I hope something you're passion about does that for you too!

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Every year, since GIVA launched; I now look forward to being in a position to tell authentic stories of those that are underreported, underrepresented, and are often marginalised from the spotlight! I literary live and breathe this mission to ignite female entrepreneurs' visions and ensure their brilliance is seen. The mindset gurus say words have got the power to change us for the better or worse. Could be our own words all those of people around us.

Either way, we all have the power of the tongue - to use it to speak a blessing in someone's life. Ultimately, we get to choose what we're going to do with those words. We can let them tear us apart or build us up. Case in point; just before writing this note, I had a meeting with new acquaintance who after I explained what the Global Ignite Vision + Action awards are all about, they said

'the target audience for the GIVA awards is not their ideal client avatar (ICA) because they (the audience) are Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs'.

Being a word smith and all, I'm a sponger for new words and expressions that expand my vocabulary as much as they challenge me. So, naturally; I loved that because that sentence provoked me to think differently about GIVA in that it empowered me to want to do more! For GIVA to change more lives and have more impact than I ever imagined before, so that, if the fate allows, one day I can go back to this person and say, thank you for your words and inadvertently inspiring me to do more and better! To that end, my prayer is;

?To live to tell the stories of?GIVA nominees going from caterpillars to butterflies because they'd have gone from being seen as 'Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs to being known as Global changemakers.
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In this issue we go from cover to cover of women who are hustling and busting to become just that. On the cover, Chris Holter aptly 'Explains the world needs your Leadership.?And in their own backyards and on their own terms, they have challenged the status quo in their own right. Going on to becoming 'Boss Babes' Lynn Power Co-Founder and CEO at Masami, and @Dr Puja Aggarwal?of Zenful BrainCoaching and a woman breaking 65 Years' of bad habits in a male dominated industrial sector where Jane McCormick is Implementing Modern Procedures Old Tool Company. Such and many other features in this article are the Untold Stories you cannot chop up like vegetables on a kitchen counter and cook them and serve them on a platter. These are real authentic stories which are impacting lives at grassroot level in local communities worldwide. READ MORE

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Our mission is to Empower, Elevate and Endorse such women, so they can be seen, heard, known, and TRUSTED as thought leaders with credibility! That is why I’m stoked to announce GIVA is back for the 2nd year running. Allow me to introduce this our impressive line-up of judges who are on a mission to break the stigma and lead the way to proving that there are hidden gems of excellence in female entrepreneurs just waiting to be discovered.

Be sure to follow our expert contributors , share and cheer them so their now told stories can impact more lives globally!
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Before you go be sure to reserve your spot in the awards to join the GVA movement and follow us on LinkedIn at Global Ignite Vision + Action Awards leading up to GIVA2022 on October 22nd at 7pm BST.

Meanwhile: Remember these mindset exercises to use the power of words!


  • They say you don't fit the mould
  • Say, I think outside the box


  • They say you're not a good fit
  • Say, I'm challenging the status quo


  • They say you're troublemaker
  • Say, I'm a change maker

Until then, let the GIVA’er (give her a) spotlight magic begin.
Together, We Impact more lives.

I trust you will find The BoldType Spotlight newsletter as informative, educational, entertaining, and enlightening. Thanks for stopping by. Remember to ?????????????????


#spotlighton #spotlightmagazine #ignite2022 #awards2022 #truthoftheday #thoughtleadership #femaleentrepreneurs #femalefounder #authenticity #authenticleadership

As always, I’m looking for social impact authentic stories! If you are one or you know someone who is a BOLD TYPE re-imagining or challenging the status quo as a thought leader in any industry – please do feel free to introduce us via DM or via email to [email protected]

I bid you light and abundance! Stay Bold and beautiful.

Best, Jennifer xoxo?


