Going the extra mile
Michel Lafrance
Head of School | Bilingual Strategic Advisor | Leadership Development Coach
Based on a speech given by Arnold Schwarzenegger at a 21st century education conference.
- Find your vision and follow your vision. Do not drift aimlessly as this will lead to few accomplishments and limited progress towards your desired outcomes.
- Think big. Do not limit your potential because the world around you will place sufficient obstacles and roadblocks that will challenge your resolve.
- Ignore the naysayers and the doubters. Your dreams are for you to realize. Your accomplishments are for you to attain. The loftiness of your goals is for you to determine. When the people around you say that it can’t be done, let that fuel your fire and your desire to forge ahead and prove them wrong. Not because their doubt matters but simply because you believe deeply in what you are pursuing.
- Work your butt off. You should never fail at something because you did not work hard enough. Putting your best effort into everything that you do is possible for everyone. Effort does not require any particular skill, experience or predisposition. It requires belief in yourself and an intrinsic desire to achieve.
- Give back. When you reach the point in your personal or professional life when you have learned from many and received the support of several mentors, it is incumbent upon you to help those that are in need and mentor those that can benefit from your knowledge and experience. We should strive to make each other better.
Make a decision to make a change today and and work towards becoming a better version of yourself and help others do the same. Be generous, be kind and be thoughtful.