Going Down the Track
LisaKay Kaye Gurney
SERVICE Dedicated to service beyond self - "Battle Buddy" - Author/Just Because Daily Inspirations
Start Your Day the Special "K" Way!
Going Down the Track
Through our quaint town there is a railroad in the center of the community. It runs from east to west - and back again and that long line of rail cars, some flat beds and others box cares, amazes me at the cargo the trains carry. Sometimes as I wait impatiently at the street crossing, I like to imagine the array of cargo and merchandise going by. Some cars carry discards of scrap; others bear grain or haul petroleum...,... but among them surely there are things of beauty as well. This they have in common: they all journey on the same track.
Is it not true of our hearts and minds as well? We allow the ugly and the vile, the vicious and the untidy to range on the tracks of our minds. And on the same tracks we can determine that only the lofty and refined, the beautiful and exalting will be the cargo of our days.
The apostle Paul reminds us to fill our minds with the pure, the true, the noble and the just, all that is excellent and eternal. Then we shall know the peace of God! Think on these things and the tracks of our minds will carry cargo of purity and power.
Merry Christmas!