Going Digital: Introducing the digital ID card feature on the iLancaster app
ISS Innovation Hub Lancs
Turns research and student ideas into innovative products, services and processes????
Here at ITPI, we are constantly creating new features for the iLancaster app to enhance your experience as a student. We strive to provide a comprehensive, user-friendly tool that helps you to navigate university life. Whether it's streamlining administrative tasks or providing new resources, we're always looking to improve and innovate.
The latest feature to be added to the iLancaster app allows students to add a digital version of their student ID cards to the wallet of their mobile phones. To do so, simply tap on your profile photo on the top left of the iLancaster home screen and click 'Add to wallet'.
While we are excited to introduce our new feature, it is important to note that it is not contactless. With the new digital ID card, you can effortlessly verify your student identity anytime, anywhere. This innovative solution provides you with an easily accessible image of your ID that you can present whenever necessary, providing students with a more convenient and secure way to access campus services - including valid entry to Sugarhouse! Overall, this is a positive development that will enhance the student experience at Lancaster University.
See some of our student's opinions:
"I forgot my student ID on a night out. Luckily, I had the the online version on the app so there was no need to go back home and get it!"
"It is much more convenient to check my student ID number on wallet rather than trying to find the physical version in my bag."
"Now, I don't need to worry about whether I have my student ID or not. I always have it on my phone."
We take great pride in our commitment to providing the best possible user experience for students through the iLancaster app. To achieve this, our team is always on the lookout for fresh ideas and innovative ways to enhance the app's functionality and ease of use. We firmly believe that the best ideas can come from anywhere, which is why we welcome and encourage feedback from our users. By working collaboratively with the student community, we can continue to refine and improve the app to meet the ever-changing needs of modern university life.
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Are you a student bursting with new ideas to improve the iLancaster app? Do not hesitate to reach out, we'd love to hear from you!