Going Beyond Your Habitual Limits
Hi, everyone. Thanks for all of the continued good thoughts and gifts. Everything helps me during this time.
People sometimes ask, with a bit of frustration, mind you, why it's taking me so long to rebuild my life? Why I ended up in this place? The one answer I can give is habit.
It doesn't take long to develop one. But it takes a helluva long time to break it. That's because the established pathways feeding you trash constantly fight to prevent cleaner avenues from developing.
And when you have depression -- or, as Jim Foster calls it, Deep-Rest -- the energy may not be there to resist the offense. For example, I'm working to break pathways that set internal limits for myself.
Not sure why or when I established these limits, but they stick around. I commit to destroying them, going a few feet beyond them. Yet, I keep hitting resistance. It's such a developed habit that it has become a sort of comfort food.
But I'm a victor and not a victim. I have more power and energy than I realize. And that's what I have to keep thinking to break those limits. For when that happens, the fear and hesitancy will start leaving to make way for power.
So, that's where today's path is set.
Have a wonderful and peaceful Saturday.