Going Beyond Reason
Moritz Lembert
Coaching & Training Founders & Leaders, PCC, ILP, IPEC | Empowering Founders & Leaders to live a life of true fulfillment, high performance & peace of mind.
Your reasons keep you trapped in the same life you have.
All you and I know about reality is built on things we’ve accepted as true.
Whenever we believe something to be a fact, we then go on to judge any new information based on what we already "know."
For example, if you learn about gravity and accept it as a fact, you will compare any new information about movement, physics, and what’s possible for you based on your understanding of gravity.
If anything new comes in, you will first try to fit into the model you have of reality. This is called confirmation bias. You try to fit in information to confirm what you already know.
While this isn't a newsletter to debunk gravity, I would like to challenge the validity of your reasons.
See, if you lived 400 years ago, you would try to fit any new information about the universe and the Earth into the model of "Flat Earth," which was the commonly accepted worldview.
You would judge new information regarding stars and the sun based on that model, and anything outside of your worldview would seem outrageous and stupid.
Looking back today, we judge a lot of what our ancestors believed as absolutely false, given what we now know.
Now, going back to reasons…
Ever heard the phrase, "Be reasonable!"?
What does that even mean?
It means conforming to whatever that person believes to be the most accurate model of reality, said from the arrogance that you would even know.
Given that there was never a time in the past when we judged everything rightly, it is na?ve to assume that we do so today.
By following the idea that we should be reasonable, listening to our reasons, and reasoning ourselves into the future, we basically bind ourselves to the past and to any assumptions we make about reality—whether false or true.
In my conversations with fellow humans, I’ve heard people reason for all sorts of BS.
They’ve reasoned for how much of a victim they are, how limited they are, how they have no power, how they’re too old, too young, too stupid, too whatever...
But if your reasons are built on false premises, how valuable are they?
Only valuable in reference to keeping you in the same loop of thoughts that didn’t work in the first place.
To escape the loop, you have to be willing to be unreasonable, to rediscover and be a discoverer again.
The main thing in the way is the false sense of security that our constructed thoughts have given us: an identity of at least knowing the world, or being correct, or knowing who you are (even if that’s the most limited, false identity ever).
It gives us something to hold on to…
Yet life plays a different game. Anything you hold onto will be challenged, vanish, or change. You’ll be thrown back into what you constructed as your fortress of clouds, blown away by any wind.
The invitation, therefore, is not to build these constructs but to dance with reality. Be unreasonable and discover yourself instead of holding onto a temporary picture held in thought.
Unknow the world, and you will know it.
Coaching & Training Founders & Leaders, PCC, ILP, IPEC | Empowering Founders & Leaders to live a life of true fulfillment, high performance & peace of mind.
3 个月Ria Bauhofer