Going against ‘the science’ can get you trampled in the stampede of idiots

Going against ‘the science’ can get you trampled in the stampede of idiots


The Response


We all know that we’re supposed to “trust the science” and how much trouble we can get in if we violate the precept. During the pandemic, you could get blocked, have your account suspended or otherwise decapitated from social media for suggesting masks are overrated, the vaccine isn’t perfect and marijuana outlets aren’t as essential as churches.


In the meantime, the U.S. government is colluding with Big Tech, Big Finance and Corporations to maintain the flow of followers stampeding in the prescribed direction – to the Left. They call it ESG and it’s gone over big in the Leftist America of today. But the herd of idiots is not just driven blindly onward by ‘the science.’


The stampede is also heading for that precipitous cliff based on gender confusion. If you don’t have the right attitude about LGBTQ+, you had better be careful where you share your perspective. It can still get you banned, suspended and more by the PC police (yes, they still exist).


Trusting ‘the science’ includes climate change, or global warming or whatever other title they’ve given to the environmental apocalypse pushed by the Left. I think this has spooked the herd more than ever. It has convinced many to run lemming-like off the cliff while patting themselves on the back in the belief that they’re saving the world.


The panic caused by the fear of climate change is so deeply seeded in some that they are prone to grasp at straws identifying threats to the world. Nowhere was this more evident than when Sunny Hostin, one of the hosts of “The View” claimed that the confluence of the solar eclipse, the East Coast earthquake and the arrival of cicadas this year were brought on by “climate change.”


In other words, you drove your gasoline-powered car a couple miles too far and the moon jumped in front of the sun. Some cooked one turkey too many in their gas oven resulting in a rupture of tetanic plates. And, apparently, the flatulence of cattle is like catnip for cicadas.


In the meantime, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) explained that the moon is made of gas and that Neil Armstrong placed the American flag on Mars, rather than the moon.


We also have the memory of Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) who worried that stationing more US Marines on Guam could cause the island to capsize.


These are not ‘the’ scientists who are pushing a climate-change emergency, but they are ardent promoters of the concept. And while they say things this utterly idiotic, you had better not speak out against the concept that man-made factors are threatening life on the planet.


This includes not mentioning that the same people pushing climate catastrophe are also the people pushing globalism and wealth redistribution. Using the scientific method to consider their motivations, a very plausible hypothesis is that they are using ‘climate change’ as a tool to achieve their goals of global governance and wealth redistribution.


I’d better be careful where I say that, of course, or I’ll be trampled by the stampede of idiots.


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