Going after something that is really important will scare the shit out of you!
How did you find the courage to quit your corporate job and go all in with your coaching business?
A woman asked me this today.
The truth is that this was NOT an overnight decision.
Not at all.
I considered it for a long time before I found the courage to do it.
And before getting there, I was telling myself this for a long time:
Do you see the problem with my excuses and how they could have kept me stuck forever?
If I had kept buying into my excuses, do you think I would ever have made the jump?
I would still be working in corporate, feeling unsatisfied and unfilled.
So what changed?
I realized that my excuses were my fears in disguise.
The question was: what choice would support me in crafting a life on my terms where I felt integrity?
And suddenly, the decision was not that hard.
I had to go after what I wanted.
Even though being an entrepreneur is one long walk with failure, rejection, and judgment.
It is okay because I am crafting a life on my terms where I'm in integrity.
And that means everything.
So the goal is not to end all fear and never feel uncomfortable.
That is impossible.
Instead, it is about figuring out what you want and why.
And then accepting that going after something that means a lot to you will scare the shit out of you, no matter how ready you feel.
Don't let your fear stop you from going after what you want.
If you want to know how I can support you in moving beyond your fear to go after what you truly want, drop me a private message ??