GoFundMe: "Theology Learning And Associated Costs"
During the past 1/2 year, I have undertaken a fairly intensive amount of theological study by myself at the library of a UK government accredited Seventh-day Adventist "university college", for somewhere estimated around 100s of hours of reading time and 1,000+ hours of travel time by car, as well as paying for AirBnB costs while staying overnight to minimise travel time, etc. (I am now very familiar to the library staff and a theology professor who works in the library, etc.).
My current plan is to continue studying theology by myself at the university college library/attend public lectures/take online courses, etc. and also enroll on unversity-level courses, etc. and for example this September might start an official university course here or with another Christian one, such as in "Christian-based leadership" with one or more theology modules, etc. or more of a fully theology course, etc. - whatever the precise details of future Christian university-level study, I intend to continue studying theology as fast and much as I can by myself in the library and through public theology lectures and online courses, etc. (for instance have registered for a series of public theology lectures/workships this May at the university college and will also at any suitable online courses available, etc.).
During this time, I have been trying to get as much private English teaching work, etc. after library study and long car travel times and if you woud like to contribute in any way for my future Christian eduation in terms of university and other related study costs, as well as general living costs to allow this, thank you very much in advance - I will perhaps be studying for years, so have set the closing date as far forward as possible (and if for whatever reason, I do not continue with any study as mentioned, I will contact donors regarding a refund/how else they would like to proceed).