GoFundMe an online fundraiser platform
National Refferal Hopital, Honiara.

GoFundMe an online fundraiser platform

24 March 2022

I came across GoFundMe the top leader in online fundraising when trying to figure out how I could assist?the National Referral Hospital NRH) in transferring sick children with rheumatic heart disease to a hospital offshore for surgery that could give them a life back.

I wrote a letter to the fundraiser organization, based in the United States, but am still waiting for a reply to my letter.

Meanwhile, I am happy to share with readers what I had to say and explaining why the NRH is not able to transfer some children with RHD to an offshore hospital.

I very much hope the fundraiser organistion will reply to me with positive news, which I will share with the MHMS/NRH if help could be forthcoming.

Here is my letter, quote

???I want to raise money to help children suffering from rheumatic heart disease in the Solomonn Islands, assessed as being able to benefit from heart surgery at a hospital in either Australia, New Zealand or India.

Currently the National Referral Hospital in the Solomon Islands does not have enough funding from the government there to transfer children with rheumatic heart disease offshore to a hospital for medical and surgical treatment and rheumatic heart patients can spend severeral years as in-patients, or as outpatients without the chance of an operation to extend or completely save their lives.

As the former Commissioner of Police in the Solomon Islands I have helped the medical services in the Solomon Islands, especially the National Referral Hospital in Honiara,

I feel I am not able to get the funds alone the hospital desperately needs to ensure those children assessed as likely to benefit from an offshore transfer and surgery, receive the help they require.

I have my own website I set up in 2014 to help all good causes in the Solomon Islands and I update it daily to try and bring support to the county and especially the needs of the medical services.

I would be most appreciative, please, if you could tell me how and if GOFUNDME might be able to support my charity work for the Solomon Islands and the desperate medical needs of people there, but especially in helping children with rheumatic heart disease.

Thank you sincerely, FRANK SHORT.??MY WEBSITE IS - www.solomonislandsinfocus.com.

The website of GoFundMe is –


Yours sincerely

Frank Short




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