God’s work, God’s way…

God’s work, God’s way…


We are called to be God’s “Light in the World”. So why are things so dark? How did our world get so bad, so fast? What should we do?

God gives us an answer. “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Mt.5:16)

You might ask how will I do this? Where do I begin? What can I do? Again, God gives us answers. “Go therefore and make disciples… teaching them to observed all that I have commanded you…” (Mt. 28:19-20)

If you are like us, this can seem to be a daunting task in our very busy world. But guess what? Sync with God has relationships with many Small Group Leaders who have a passion to Disciple others. They just need a hand up.

Together, we can do God’s work God’s way. He chose and discipled 12 men and changed our world. However, we have left the command to disciple and focused on evangelism alone. The result is a church full of Christians like those Paul addressed in 1 Corinthians.

?He said, “I could not speak to you as spiritual men, as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, for you were not able to receive it. In-deed you are not yet able, for you are still fleshly”. (Are you seeing worldly living and choices in the Church? We do.)

Sync with God provides the tools, training, and support to make these leaders successful. We have Biblical Worldview resources, Technology tools to support virtual meetings, curriculum for learning as well as training. And most of all, we provide support and encouragement.

?????? ??????

Paul tells Timothy “And the things you have heard from me…entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also”.


Sync with God is seeking sponsors to defray all costs for leading (Discipling) a small group. We know this builds long term relationships and mature Bible believers who can “accurately handle the Word of Truth”. (2Tim. 2:15)

Will you be one of 100 sponsors for only $25 per month? We will connect you with one of our leaders and keep you informed of the fruit that results from your partnership. See the other side for where you can give…


?????????? Sync with God exists…

TO empower disciple-making communities globally

?????????? BY matching Biblically based, culturally relevant content

WITH global channels and audiences desperate for TRUTH.

?Vision: A growing movement of inspired, passionate, globally evangelistic, discipling communities worldwide.


-???????? Commanded to Pray always

-???????? God’s Word is TRUTH (always reliable)

-???????? Reliance on the Holy Spirit

-???????? Relationships through Community

-???????? Growth through Discipleship

-???????? Extending Grace to all

-???????? Priority of Mission over self

How to Give…

Give Online: https://bit.ly/GiveToSync

Or send your check…

Make checks payable to:?“Sync with God”

Mail to: Sync with God,

Attn: Mark Pomeroy

4036 S. 17th St.

Lincoln, NE 68502


Mangha Ram Malhi (RpH)

?? PHARMACIST ?? ????????? Batch=2k19-2k23(UOS)

1 年

Let's connect



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