God's spirit can heal the broken!
Rufus Nichols made these crosses so we will remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us!

God's spirit can heal the broken!

Why in this land of plenty are so many doing without? Why do we lack empathy for victims, hate offenders instead of forgiving them, and oppress the mentally ill? Why in a land of wealth are there so many that are depressed, committing suicide, and feeling hopeless. The answer is simple, our country needs to reconnect with GOD. We are spiritually bankrupt. Our young people are staring for the spirit of GOD.

Back in 1998, a young Lee College graduate, Joey Grizzle, had just accepted a position as a youth paster in a country church about 10 miles from one of my youth Centers. He asked me if they could pickup some of our children every Wednesday night for their weekly youth service. I was skeptical. The kids were not going to want to attend church. That was boring. And even if the kids wanted to, most of their parents would not sign the required permission slip for such. But I told him that he could talk to the kid and pass out the permission slips.

Surprisingly, eight kids did decide to go. To make sure everything went as planned I tagged alone that first night. I had went to other youth services. They normally play games, provided candy or incentives, and tell them a Bible story. That is what I expected, but I was wrong!

As we entered the double glass doors of the large country church it was obvious that the all white middle class congregation wasn't expecting 5 black and 4 poor white kids to visit there church. You could cut the tension with a knife.

Joey hurried all the kids, about thirty total, into a large back room. They sung a couple song, Joey preached a short message, and he asked if anyone needed prayer. One little chubby kid raised his hand. Joey went to him, several kids followed him, and they all knelt down and started praying. Then others started praying in groups, tears flowed like water, all the kids white and black, poor or wealthy, it didn't matter, they were praying for each other. This went on for over one hour. Afterwards, on our way to the van the adults starred, you could feel the burning hatred, as we loaded the kids and departed.

The next day I had Joey to meet me at my Youth Center. I was concerned about sending the kids back to a church that didn't want them there. Joey brought the Pastor with him. The old Pastor admitted some of the men were Klan, but he guaranteed me the kids were in no danger, and he believed this was the only way to overcome their hatred.

The following Wednesday twenty kids returned permission slips and wanted to attend the youth service. The church van could only transport fifteen, so we took a Youth Center van as well. This time when the kids entered the church the women were more friendly, but the men still didn't want anything to do with them. Joey called for the kids to follow him back into the room they had used the week before. This time it was standing room only, there was over sixty kids. Not only had more Youth Center kids came to this service but the number of local kids had also increased.

They started singing a hymn, but they didn't even complete the second verse before kids were praying in groups, weeping, talking to each other about there problem, needs, and pain. The holy spirit filled the room. I had chills run up my arms, I couldn't stop crying. These kids were connecting in the way that God intended. They shared each others feelings. Those that were oppressed were freed. Those suffering from depression were healed. It was amazing!

By the next Wednesday night the word of what was taking place at these meetings had spread through the schools. Over sixty kids at the Center had sign permission slips to attend the service. I got onto Joey for handing out so many permission slips. We used the church van, the Paster's Station wagon, and three of the Youth Center's vans to transport kids. This time when we entered the church, with over forty black children, there was a handful of men that were visible upset that we were there. Now, the total number of kids approached two hundred!

There was no rooms big enough for this number of kids, so the Paster let them use the main church area for the youth service. All the children sat up front and the adults in the back. Reggie a young black teen song amazing grace, and their wasn't a dry eye in the church. Joey allowed the children to give testimonies about the things they had faced in their lives, and how God has helped them to overcome them. One child after another told heart wrenching stories of hardship, abuse, and mental anguish. Children started going to the alter and praying in groups, while others told their stories. Parents started praying with the kids! The hatred had turned to love!

The next week we had to limit the number of Youth Center kids we could transport to sixty, and these services grew to over 250 kids a service and lasted for over six months. There was no candy, gimmicks, or games, just the moving of the Holy Spirit and kids wanting a real relationship with God.

I remember having to discontinue transporting kids to these services. Some local churches, that had never shown any interest in having our children attend their churches, had heard about what was happening and complained about us transporting kids to other churches and not theirs.

Anyway, I remember the last service, hearts were heavy, and those men that glared with such hatred the first time we came to the church, now had tears that we would not be back. That hatred had turned to love!


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