God's Plan for Our Earthly Uncertainty

God's Plan for Our Earthly Uncertainty

"For my thoughts?are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isa. 55:8-9, NIV)

  • Mary, an ordinary young girl who became the mother of Jesus, our Lord and Savior,
  • Moses, an Israelite who murdered an Egyptian guard and ran away; who would lead God's people out of slavery in the future forty years later,?
  • Joseph, a boy faithful to God despite being sold by his brothers and falsely imprisoned for false rape charges, is put in a high position and instrumental in saving his family,?
  • Rahab, a prostitute who risked everything to help God's spies without knowing what would happen, later ended up being in the linage of Jesus Christ.?

These people have one thing in common, their beginning and future circumstances were uncertain throughout their lives.?

  • How did they trust in God over their fears??
  • Would they have missed the blessings and miracles they witnessed in their lives if they had walked away from God??
  • Will we choose to trust God no matter how we feel, no matter how things look, and no matter what people say?

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This Broken Earth is Not Our Home

Jesus chose to leave the perfect heavenly places and be born in an imperfect human body on this broken earth to experience all the challenges and temptations we face in our human condition. He endured the physical changes, the emotional and mental battles we face. He also experienced the challenges of relationships. God became flesh through Christ Jesus to dwell among us (John 1:14, NIV).

When we look at the temptations Jesus faced for forty days and nights, the betrayal and abandonment by his closest friends, and the pain he suffered during his crucifixion, it is clear that no person can escape the trials we will face on this broken earth. Before Jesus ascended to be with God after his crucifixion, he told us. ?I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheer up, for I have overcome the world." (John 16:33, TLB)

As long as we live on this broken earth, we will experience challenges from nature, other imperfect people, and the evil influences that Satan yields through willing volunteers. However, Jesus conquered sin and death and gave us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. We have access to his power to overcome our spiritual battles on earth. One day Jesus will come back and gather his believers with him. We will be free of all the challenges, evil, and trials.

Facing Our Reality With God

In our human condition, whether we are non-believers or a disciple of Christ, we will experience the full range of emotions from joy to devastation. We may encounter unpredicted catastrophes of nature with loss and pain. We may suffer from illnesses, loss of a child or loved one, unfaithfulness, divorce, abuse, depression, mental illness, or other challenges.?

In our human condition on this broken earth, every person will always live in a level of physical, environmental, political, and social uncertainty. But God's Spirit living in us through Christ's salvation never changes, waivers, or abandons us. Once our spirit and soul are joined to God's, nothing can separate us from His love or Christ's!

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b ]?neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love.?No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 8:38-39, NLT)

Living Triumphantly for God

God's plan for us to live spiritually triumphantly in our imperfect human condition on this broken earth is to walk hand in hand with us every day IF we let Him. No one can escape the challenges we face. However, when we walk with Jesus, we will see our challenges as lessons and refinement of our minds, hearts, and character. We will let Him lead us to discover our strengths, gifts, and missions God designed specifically for us.?

We can learn what it means to be His ambassadors and share His love, hope, and saving grace. We will live in the certainty of knowing that our spirits and souls live with God now and will continue into eternity once our body dies. We can overcome and thrive in the fullness of Jesus Christ!

There are two questions every person must answer.?

Will I try and face or overcome every trial or challenge in my imperfect and incapable knowledge and strength, or will I hold onto the hand of Jesus and trust Him to lead me no matter what I feel, how it looks, or what others say??

Will I follow the example of Christ, or will I abandon the Savior who died for me?do what is best for everyone and not just us?

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