?? God‘s Plan for Meat
Tonight my Awareness was raised to a new level:
To this day we are a w a r e of the universal agony and groaning of creation, as if it were in the contractions of labor for childbirth. And it’s not just creation. We who have already experienced the firstfruits of the Spirit also inwardly groan as we passionately long to experience our full status as God’s sons and daughters—including our physical bodies being transformed. For this is the hope of our salvation.
But hope means that we must trust and wait for what is still unseen. For why would we need to hope for something we already have?
Paul’s letter to the Romans 8:22-24
Tonight, while eating my veggies, a couple of thoughts shot to my head, that I had to immediately put out: What is God’s Plan For Meat?
At the dinner table with my wife I had this interesting encounter. I haven’t thought about stopping meat in a while, but tonight I had just a few extraordinary vegetables for dinner, reminding me, just how fulfilling veggies can be.
But what came up in my spirit,was the question: What is God’s plan for meat? He must have had plans before we messed tall up. And there is always the chance of restoration.
What was his plan in the beginning, when he created animals? Some things that happen to many animals are too disgusting to be told but right now I don’t even talk about these. I am an organic farmer, who has found that if an animal has the best life, then its meat is extraordinary. I consider myself a meat lover.
But more than that I am a God lover. So today this question shot into my mind: What was the original plan regarding meat? He has a plan for everything.
“In heaven
there are
no problems,
just plans.“
Bill Johnson
In the Old Testament you had to sacrifice an animal, that was the most beautiful of your flock. This meant, you had to let go of the most beautiful while you discovered it was the most beautiful. I tried to imagine how it is to discover a lamb that is the most beautiful and stunning in the flock, and then one day to have to sacrifice it. Sounds cruel? It does not only sound so, it hurts to think about it. But that is what happened in the times of the Old Testament. Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David, they all knew it.
I love meat. After I got to know Bauer Stolze in a tiny town east of Hannover I was hooked. The way he raised his cattle, a particular French bread with a light brown fur, he produced the best meat I have ever tasted. I followed his recommendations for preparing entrec?te (the portion between the neck and the roast beef), and I didn’t even touch any other meat. Until I moved away, and the car rides to his farm would just take too much time. I was sort of sad, letting go.
I only once raised meat at home in my own garden. My rooster ?Schneefl?ckchen“ came to me as a handful. I remember when he was so little that my dog chased him and he jumped into the pond. I rescued him which must have been in early spring and spend the rest of the day drying and getting him back to temperature. We had a special relationship after that. I originally did not plan on eating him, but then came the time when in my permaculture garden he became stronger and more fierceful than my Parson Russel terrier. There came the day when he chased my dog through the garden and my dog just gave up — ready to die. I have never seen him like that! I think ?Schneefl?ckchen“ must also have chased away some predators which were interested in the chickens. One week I left for a holiday and when I came back he was not the same. He crowed what seemed like every sixty seconds, and it was impossible to calm him down. After a few weeks it was unbearable. I kept telling him that I would make ?Hünchenbrustfilet“ out of him— but he just didn’t change. I had to put his life to an end. Since his meat was probably the best I had produced at home I was quite curious: How it would taste? And it was like I expected: You can’t buy such meat!
Sauschnell und Sauwohl are our Mangaliza pigs at the farm. Now we have tried another breed with less fur, but when we started pigs it was Mangaliza. We run these pigs across the farm with a rotational system, where they would be only be fed some things additionally but mostly they ate what they dug up in a certain area: roots and cover crop. They would leave a moon shaped area with many craters after being finished, but we would then reseed the cover crop and the left over roots in the ground would restore the lushness until the time came in the pigs rotation to return to the same spot. These pigs didn’t have one bad day in their life! Only on bad moment on their last day. And that is how their meat tasted. Since I haven’t eaten pigs meat in quite while, I tried some of their ham when we did our annual Christmas market on the farm. It was extraordinary.
I remember the day when we blessed the entire farm. It was an interesting day, because God’s intent on that day was to bless an entire family with their land and so it happened. The couple that owns the farm invited Jesus into their hearts, and after that together we blessed the entire 3 hectares: every plant, every tree and every animal. When we anointed the trees with oil, a few days later all the tree trunks developed a red colour. It was so unusual that the owner called me, afraid that the trees had developed some disease. It seemed more like a reminder of the importance of the blood of Yeshua at the cross that was visible with every tree. There are some qualities in trees that we have no seen yet.
When Justin Abraham, in his podcast about meeting Enoch, said that he could see it clearly that we will all be vegetarians, this rang many bells with me. Still I love meat. I love it when I know that the animals enjoyed an awesome life before being killed. But I remember all the days when I didn’t have meat for a mela, just vegetables. Especially when thy were freshly harvested from great soil. There is an extraordinary quality to vegetables, when they are blessed. And when they grow up in soil that has extraordinary qualities. Soil which is healthy starts to develop these extraordinary qualities. But it is only a start. We haven’t tasted anything yet!
When something you eat is truly blessed, which means, the seed before it germinates is blessed, healthy and clean, its DNA intact and without a flaw, when it is put into soil which is blessed, clean with an extraordinary balanced microbiome, established to suit the needs of the soil you plant in (this can be sandy soil Iike we have at our farm, or the most profound and interstellarvolcanicsupersound soil imaginable) then extraordinary taste happenes. And when you eat it, you have these taste explosions, and that peace that comes after a few bites. I have felt this so many times!
So, what is the history that God has with meat? Tonight, as I am writing this, I would clearly say, there will be less and less meat consumption, the more we heal the system and grow the best vegetables possible. (But that’s not gonna get a meat lover around the corner, will it not?)
?Reparadizing the land“ was a slogan that I thought of as a description of what I did as a gardener and farmer: reconstructing the qualities soil once had and blessing every aspect of food production. Animals and vegetables and fruit, all in one farm: Over 500 different products from a 3 hectare (7 acre) plot is what we are trying at www.naturgemacht.org. When you come to the farm it makes you wonder how paradise may have looked like. You get some ideas about the blueprint it once had.
There is one kale, that I particularly like: Brussels sprouts. After moving to Hamburg at the turn of the year I first did not have the readysteady infrastructure for great veggies, but then I found a farm and the sold Brussels sprouts. Having eaten ?badly“ for a couple of weeks the difference was tangible. I lived of Brussels sprouts with handmade garlic sauce for an entire week.
But reparadizing the land not only applies to veggies, but to the entire land, people, animals and plants. When it comes to animals I think of the heart to heart communication that is possible between me and my dog. He is so heart-smart when it comes to figuring me out. Sometimes I can ?hear“ his thoughts. Justin Abraham states that much more is possible, when the creation is restored to its full capacity and blueprint.
Think about it: An animal that is well taken care of can be so much of an asset to your life.
How much more, when an animal is restored to its original blueprint that it once had before the fall of mankind.
— — — —
There has to be only one crisis like the one we have now. And there will be no more meat available. Unthinkable?
It was unthinkable, that children are not allowed to visit their parents and it happened. Meat might have its own crisis one day, just like face to face and touch contact just had its crisis.
If you think about the billion ( !) ducks that are killed every year in China, and when you realize how lovely a duck is, what a pleasure to the eye and soul, then we might appreciate history moving away from meat consumption one or the other way.
And this comes from a meat lover.