God's Plan
Here at Interactive Media, we try to express ourselves as much as possible. In today's complex world where most of our professional time is tied up in business constantly trying to be creative with your business ventures, time goes by really fast. We all want success in our life but it does come with a price, ask any corporate controller. I find that you can do both, maybe it is easier for me because I do make my own schedule, so let's just see what happens when I go back in the fast lane and see if I keep my goals honest by express my love to my family and friends. Without love, nothing else matters and I love my family even if some them don't feel the same way about me. The ones that do make me feel so incredible, in my heart and in my soul. And that is one of God's plan, we can live the dream with the thought of an old saying, "you must stop and smell the roses to be happy." I know I do because of their beauty and I will always love them and my loved ones from here to eternity. My lovely wife and I have been married for 34 years and I love her more today then I did in the past. That plays a shadow effect in our marriage today and I can never change the way I selfishly moved in other direction working and not loving her properly. I will never get that time back and I will never be able to change it, ever. So my point is this, my peers if you're not quite sure what is a little strange with your present relationship and want some friendly advice, Change your ways today and show compassionate love to your spouse, the clock is ticking and precious moment are going to slipping away, every day, week and year. With God's love, you will start to glow and with that beam inside you, God's glory will shine on others to also embrace, why because that is one of God's plan! This is provided by Christain's with love in their heart from me to you! P.S. I love you, honey!
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