God's Light

God's Light

True Knowledge and Wisdom provided from God's Word, His Son, and His Holy Spirit; From the One God, who is truly the only ever living God, and Creator of all things; who dwells within all things, and whom no one and nothing not even combine together can remove Him out of themself.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord.

Therefore "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head."

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

It is the hour of the people of God, to arise, and to no longer run from evil and evilness; but to stand firmly "IN THE LORD," for the hour is surly much closer to His returning, than when we first believed. As is His Spirit, is He pouring out within and upon all creation as never before.

The Wisdom and Knowledge is this; when you are wronged or come against within one of the gathering places called "in the name of the Lord," "Stop!" Running, away, instead stand firm "In The Lord," In the Truth, in the revealing of Love and loving others.

For by doing so, they may observe your true Love, and repent of their own ways, turning back unto the Lord, and surrendering their fear, and pride and learned ways of man, to the only Truth, Way, and Life, "In The Lord."

The Lord declared that first we are to love the Lord our God, "Personally," With all of our Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength; and then we are to love our fellow man as we love ourselves.

"For I know that I am mortal, that is flesh and blood, and I know that I daily fall short of the glory of God, that even though my spirit dwells and delights after the Lord, my own flesh desires after the law of sin and death, Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ who has already delivered me out of this body of sinfulness and death; that is already out of death spiritually into Spiritually Himself."

"So by standing firmly "In My Lord," Not Running Away, even in the times when and where others within man's ways of church, comes against me; Truly it is no longer I they come against, but the greater One within me. who is Love, and who desires that they see His True Light within me, and turn from their own wrong doings."

The Hot coils, become the observation of God' Love after them, to return to Him and Him alone out of the wayward ways in which man has so strongly learned from the other voice other than God's Voice. Allowing for them to see also the Light which never goes out, which has always been for them, and never against them.

1 Corinthians 13


1. I may be able to speak the languages of human beings and even of angels, but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell.

2. I may have the gift of inspired preaching; I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets; I may have all the faith needed to move mountains — but if I have no love, I am nothing.

3. I may give away everything I have, and even give up my body to be burnt — but if I have no love, this does me no good.

4. Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud;

5. love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs;

6. love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth.

7. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail.

8. Love is eternal. There are inspired messages, but they are temporary; there are gifts of speaking in strange tongues, but they will cease; there is knowledge, but it will pass.

9. For our gifts of knowledge and of inspired messages are only partial;

10. but when what is perfect comes, then what is partial will disappear.

11. When I was a child, my speech, feelings, and thinking were all those of a child; now that I have grown up, I have no more use for childish ways.

12. What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. What I know now is only partial; then it will be complete — as complete as God's knowledge of me.

13. Meanwhile these three remain: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love.

"Teachers, leaders, and preacher, correct your circles and ensure first they are lovers of God, and others, never allowing them to become those who direct that the lamps of the Lord, be removed off of the lamp stands and placed under the tables. by their words and actions, of bullying others."

"For you say do not bully, but do you bully, or do you over look the bullying of some others?"

Let's allow all else to be "On Purpose," removed from us, by returning our own lamp out from under the tables, and placing them back upon the Lamp Stands, in order for all to be helped by observation of the Light of Love, calling to us all.

God Is Love! "Period...."



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