
Revelation 2:26-29 (NIV)


6?To the one who is victorious?and does my will to the end,?I will give authority over the nations—?27?that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter?and will dash them to pieces like pottery’[a]—just as I have received authority from my Father.?28?I will also give that one the morning star.?29?Whoever has ears, let them hear?what the Spirit says to the churches.







"Every Member State of the UNITED NATIONS must be observed the TEN PRINCIPLES to avoid crisis as cause of removal from position. In the time of crisis in STATE, the MOTHER OF STATE refers to CHURCH, must come out with warning to the Leaders, to listen, to obey and to implement the Law based on PEOPLE'S VOICE".


? SHARING OF POWER - The SEVEN VOICES through VATICAN POWER and be shared to all STATE CITIZENS as Power of VOTE, and to elect new Head of STATE


? PEOPLE POWER - Removal of Worse State Head




·????????POWER OF LAW - "In the time of CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS, the JUDISCIARY Branch of Government must VOICE out alarming the Leaders to fulfill the Law with equal benefits of Justice. The TEN PRINCIPLES of the UNITED NATIONS must be the foundation of all VERDICT for Justice of all".


? IMPEACHMENT - This is a process of Law to strip Powers of the elected and Appointed Heads of State after incompetency of Leadership






"The REGIONAL POWERS of AMERICA under the FREEDOM OF STATE can be used as overall PROSECUTOR or POLICE of the Member Nation under DICTATORSHIPS. Mostly the PEOPLE POWER and IMPEACHMENT processes will not be in progressed. And the reason why the Dictator Leader is threatening People and Justices to keep SILENCE".


? DIRECT ARREST - American Authority can exercise their Duty and Responsibility in the World as REGIONAL INSTITUTION Head. No other Institution will be intimidated that powers




The current problem of the GLOBAL LEADERSHIPS is there is no specific mandate to any institutions being PROSECUTOR or POLICE against the DICTATORS. And resulting of Tyrant’s leadership and sufferings of People in Many Nations mostly in the THIRD WORLD NATIONS.





"Every INSTITUTIONAL POWERS embodied the beginning of CHRIST KINGDOM under Earth. The three WISE-MEN from the East met the HOLY FAMILY after guided by MORNING STAR (Matt.2:1-2). In UNIVERSAL SOCIETY era, there are four powers in four CORNERS of Earth.










? WI. U – DREAMS (57th Message December 28, 2012) started in SOUTH to NORTH and backed to SOUTH based Christ the King instructions at NIGHTTIME on the top of high Mountain in the NORTH (Vicinity of America and United Nations)










? WI. U - DREAMS OF AMERICA and UNITED NATIONS with equal Powers to CONQUER OPPRESSIVE NATIONS and to implement the TEN PRINCIPLES respectively


Revelation 2:26-29 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)


26 He who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, I will give him power over the nations, 27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received power from my Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star. [a] 29 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’


New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

Revelation 22:16


16 “It is I, Jesus, who sent my angel to you with this testimony for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”









? Baptism - Jesus commanded the Apostles to baptize all Nations in the name of the HOLY TRINITY OF ONE GOD (Matt.28:18-20)


? POWER - Jesus established His Church through PETER as founding Pope (Matt.16:16-20)


? GRACE - The HOLY EUCHARIST is main source of Blessings as Eternal COVENANT OF CHRIST to His Apostles (Do this in memory of Me). His promised to provide Eternal Life written in the Gospel of John (John 6:51-59)


? WAR – Woman vs Beast (Revelation 12:1-5)


Revelation 12:1-5 (NIV)

The Woman and the Dragon


2?A great sign?appeared in heaven:?a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars?on her head.?2?She was pregnant and cried out in pain?as she was about to give birth.?3?Then another sign appeared in heaven:?an enormous red dragon?with seven heads?and ten horns?and seven crowns?on its heads.?4?Its tail swept a third?of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.?The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child?the moment he was born.?5?She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”[a]?And her child was snatched up?to God and to his throne.

Installation of State Power


"In inauguration, a new elected head of State LAIN the LEFT HAND upon HOLY BIBLE as vow of receiving its POWERS from God. A vow of state parenthood by mean mutual powers with the Domestic Hierarchy of the CATHOLIC CHURCH (State Head as Father and CATHOLIC CHURCH as Mother and Light of all State Children/Citizens). Any untoward differences between three INSTITUTIONS (National and Regional and Global), UNIVERSAL INSTITUTION or VATICAN must interpret the rules of CHRIST on Earth".


Symbol: SUN and MOON and Crowned circled of 12 STARS (12 Apostles of Christ a foundation the

?????????????BROTHERHOOD of Christ for Royal Family of Heavens





? The Ten Principles of UNITED NATIONS, as follows;



a) 2 for Human Rights

b) 4 for Labors

c) 3 for Environments and

d) 1 for Anti-Corruptions


·????????WAR – EAGLE vs BEAST (Revelation 12)


Revelation 12:13-14 (NIV)



3 When the dragon?saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.?14?The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle,?so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time,?out of the serpent’s reach.

Installation of Power


"UNIVERSAL LAWMAKERS representing from 200 Member Nations with 2 representatives from member (1 from Religious institution and a Head of State). Turmoil’s in the REGIONS as well as Member Nations must be resolved by good Law based of the TEN PRINCIPLES and is the virtual fulfillment of the TEN COMMANDMENTS bestowed through MOSES".


Symbol: The savior of Global Law based on the RIGHT WING of the EAGLE











·????????WAR – EAGLE vs BEAST (Rev. 12: 13-14)


Revelation 12:13-14 (NIV)



3 When the dragon?saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.?14?The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle,?so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time,?out of the serpent’s reach.

Installation of Power


"AMERICAN mission being CONQUEROR on Earth representing as POLICE and PROSECUTOR to be implemented the UNIVERSAL LAW. Because of Dictatorships, many third World Nations sufferings and sinking to Poverty and lack of educations of the children, which cause of taking advantage of the ROTTEN and CUNNING Politicians in respective Nations. Therefore, "PEOPLE POWER (Wisdom of Law) and IMPEACHMENT (Power of Law) will not be in progressed. In that situation, America should enter to implement the third process under KNOWLEDGE OF LAW. A DICTATOR be arrested and subject for Final VERDICT through UN CRIMINAL COURT".


Symbol: The savior of Global FREEDOM under Democratic System of Government based on the

??????????????LEFT WING of EAGLE









WORLD LEADERS must be learning and be part of the solution about ELECTORAL SYSTEM in the whole WORLD, and being BUILDER OF CHRIST NATION under DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. Every student must be learned the importance and values of VOTE which was founded by three Divisions of God’s Powers as follows;



  1. BAPTISM OF WATER – A Water becomes Blood of Christ based on the consecration of BREAD to be Eternal Covenant and creation of the UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST; and be instilling in the LITURGY OF HOLY EUCHARIST (Jesus has emphasized all these things, “DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME”


  1. BAPTISM OF FIRE – A WORD OF GOD through HOMILY of the Priest in LITURGY OF THE WORD and becomes MIND OF CHRIST is sharing to every believer or listener to be part of the Eternal CHRIST BROTHERHOOD under ROYAL FAMILY and KINGDOM of HEAVENS (Respect the MOTHERHOOD OF VIRGIN MARY (Revelation 12:1-4, John 19:26-27 and Luke 1:46-48)


  1. BEARER OF THE HOLY VOICE OF GOD – The VOICE OF GOD is VOICE OF PEOPLE, and that is the reason why those who received the two levels of BAPTISM are entitled to as BEARER OF GOD’S VOICE and by delivering the VOTE to the right Candidate, the SACRED TASK assigns by God to be BUILDER OF CHRIST NATION on earth will be fulfilled. Fundamentally, Christ's Kingdom has been instilled and instilled in our HEARTS and MINDS respectively. It is the promise of God, saying that his Covenant in those days will be written in their HEARTS and MINDS (Hebrews 10:16). Baptism, therefore, is highly recommended for completion of the image and BROTHERHOOD OF CHRIST


Matthew 28:18-20

New International Version


18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”





We’re born in this temporal World to be a good member of the Family and receive BAPTSIM and BLESSINGS from God being BUILDER OF CHRIST NATION on Earth. In order to finish your journey to life and complete your STATE CITIZENRY. There are multiple sacred tasks to be fulfilled under the power of the UNIVERSAL LAW.


  • VOTE – You’re BEARER OF GOD’S HOLY VOICE which will be fulfilled by delivery that SACRED VOTE to a right candidate


  • TAX – You’re TAXPAYER of the Nation as source of the State BUDGET and maintaining services based on the people’s daily necessities

  • CONTRIBUTOR – You’re Nation’s STRENGHTS by sharing your GIFTS as follows;

a)??????WISDOM – Direct gift from God which instilled in your Heart and be shared through power of MIND

b)?????KNOWLEDGE – Indirect gift from God through Studies and be part of the STATE mission being new IMAGE OF CHRIST

c)??????STRENGHT – Virtual gift from God to continue your mission being Worker of State and defender of Nation

d)?????TALENT – Virtual gift from God to describe UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST as living one FAMILY and NATION of God

e)?????SACRIFICE – It is your commitment to God being BROTHER OF CHRSIT, as follows;

1.??????In time of election day, you have to deliver the VOICE OF GOD (Your VOTE) based on the NATION’S future and benefits. Otherwise, God will be enlightening your heart by understanding of SACRIFICE OF LOVE to BUILD HOLY NATION

2.??????In time of sufferings of your Neighbors, you have to share “Time, Financial, Strength, Idea, Prayer, etc.”

3.??????In time of the STATE difficulties from oppressiveness innovative by elected and appointed Servants of NATION, you have to stand and defend the SACREDNESS of the STATE CONSTITUTION

4.??????In time of TEMPTATION during Election Day, you have to reject all offers from rotten and cunning politicians (Vote Buying, Empty promises, position, etc.)

5.??????In time of SERVICE being elected and appointed SERVANT OF STATE, you have to choose what is good for the whole Nation. It is your chance to establish good LEGACY, DIGNITY and PATRIOTISM under SAINTHOOD OF CHRIST


  • One of the causes of losing the SACREDNESS OF VOTE is the idea of the SEPARATION between STATE and the CHURCH. It is rooted from MARTIN LUTHER who is German Catholic Priest who has established his owned way about God’s Kingdom. And that idea has been adopted by third President of America Pres. THOMAS JEFFERSON year 1802. Mainly, establishing the BODY OF CHRIST is based on the SACREDNESS OF BAPTISM OF WATER. The Holy Eucharist which means, the Holy and consecrated Water become Blood of Christ. A simple comparison is DNA TEST prior on the Scientific process, and by blood, Son/Daughter and Father be determined as legitimate beneficiary of power and wealth of the parent. This is the MYSTERY of the UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST as first foundation to be the STATE CITIZEN and legitimate VOTER referring as BEARER OF GOD’S HOLY VOICE, and will be delivered through VOTE in the election day. Hence, we are also the Eternal inheritance of Heavenly Father’s wealth and power?

  • Most of the times, the elders of the CHURCH or any religious institutions in the World subject of criticism from the STATE VOTERS. And main reason is intimidating the election with advice to focus Spiritual matters. We can’t blame them because of lack of understanding about the oneness of the CHURCH and STATE, and founded by God into partnership based on the STATE PARENTHOOD and Dogma under UNIVERSAL LAW



Installation of the STATE POWER


In Inaugural day, a new elected head of State will be received the three divisions of tasks, as follows;

a)??????First Vow: The Catholic Priest or Papal Nuncio will be instigated the sacred vow of the new elected head of State. In response, a head of State is laying his LEFT HAND upon Holy Bible. It symbolizes the partnership of the Church and State as Father and Mother of the State children. The elected head with task to provide children’s needs from the fruits of the filed under Human Law. While the Elder of the church representing as Mother or caretaker of the children of state based on the Divine Love

b)?????Second Vow: The head of the supreme court will be initiated the vow of Power based on the State Constitution. A new elected head of state will raise his RIGHT HAND before the Nation. It is part of the sacred duty of the elected person who will be the servant of the people. He will be the implementor of Justice and respecting the human rights as life of Law. A life of Law that will be given through pardon

c)??????Third Vow: The new elected head of state will be shared his promise to the whole Nation that all his decisions, Statements and actions based on the sacred power of God, “SO HELP ME GOD”. It is virtual promise of the elected head of state that all his decisions, statements and actions founded by God’s Law by means respecting every life of people


The TEN COMMANDMENTS of God bestowed through MOSES is the Eternal foundation of all NATIONS’ LAW. Otherwise, to be chosen a good candidate, the following requirements must be observed”;

  • Good Background of the FAMILY
  • Good Background of Leaderships and
  • Knowledgeably of State Constitution and Justice?






? WISDOM OF LAW - A CHURCH being the Mother of STATE must baptize all State children and People. And being the LIGHT of State Family, the Gospel must be preached to know the DIVINE LOVE and bringing PEACE. Furthermore, A State Servant (Elected and Appointed Leaders) must exercise the rules of Law based of the HOLY VOICE OF GOD through the Majority VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, which referring to as GOVERNMENT. Ignoring that VOICE resulting of stripping the Powers (People Power)


? POWER OF LAW - A Baptized State Voter is bearer of the HOLY VOICE OF GOD and that VOICE will be delivered to the worthy Candidate as next Servant of STATE (People/Government).

Additionally, Lawmakers and Justices/Judges must create and interpret the State Law based of PEOPLE'S necessities and Justice respectively. Rejecting that Majority VOICE and needs resulting of IMPEACHMENT of the Leaders


? KNOWLEDGE OF LAW - ELECTED and Appointed Leaders (Servants of People/Government) must be learned and implemented the rules of Law based of the followings;



a)?????GOOD CHARACTERS/BEHAVIORS/ATTITUDES as image of the invisible HEAD of the UNIVERSAL SOCIETY refers to JESUS CHRIST. The BOOK OF LIFE will be at 20% as basis of Soul's JUDGMENT AFTER PHYSICAL DEATH


b)?????The STATE HEAD must serve the People based of daily necessities, like Services, Livelihood and others. The BOOK OF LIFE will be at 40% as basis of Soul's JUDGMENT AFTER PHYSICAL DEATH


c)?????The State Head must prepare the good direction and inheritance of the next generations, so that good legacy remains in their Hearts and as inspiration of mission of the next Leaderships. The BOOK OF LIFE will be at 40% as basis of Soul's JUDGMENT AFTER PHYSICAL DEATH


d)?????LEGITEMATE POWER OF THE STATE HEAD - A new elected head of State must know first his/her level of Powers trusted by PEOPLE, and to avoid erroneous Decisions in the future. See, below;



? Major Authority of Leaderships - A candidate in highest position as State head must gain a minimum of 51% of Votes and maximum of 80% of the total registered Voters and Votes. A candidate with such authority can be able to change State Constitution with cooperation’s of the People


? Minor Authority of Leaderships - A Candidate who garnered 50% and below of the total registered voters or Votes is no authority to change State Constitution. HENCE, reversing that mandate resulting of removal from power






TO BE LEARNED COMPLETELY, THE WORD "GOVERNMENT" is referring to the PEOPLE OF STATE, and not the elected or appointed individuals. The VOTERS were bearer of the HOLY VOICE OF GOD and be shared through VOTE based of Electoral process. The same CITIZENS as TAXPAYERS paying them to serve in behalf of the whole NATION.


Therefore, the VOICE of the Majority of People as a Nation must be obeyed and implemented through SERVANTS (Leaders) for the benefits of the People (THE GOVERNMENT).





“Highest level of recognition to God under BROTHERHOOD OF CHRIST is to respect others. This is the secret of God's creation to Man according to His image and standard of work and attitude.


This world has become a favorite thing to say the saying, “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW" and we have seen in Jesu s' time against law experts. My simple answer for that issue is this, "There is no Law is above People’s needs, and the reason why, God created Human being not for Law, and but for life based on Divine Love. If life is risked after evil Law initiated by Rotten, Cunning and Corrupt Politicians, such Law must be changed for benefits of many and Nation and World to fulfill SACRIFICE LOVE. Fundamentally, SACRIFICE LOVE will be completed after fully repentance and continuously PRAYERS founded by our FAITH”.


Furthermore, “Criticizing against servants of the people whether elected or appointed Leaders are part of the mission as STATE CITIZEN and designated BUILDER OF CHRIST NATION on Earth. Your Vote and Taxes and Major Issues participation are three foundations to establish good Nation. It will be guiding the young Voters and Taxpayers by means dignifying your State Citizenship. It will be your perpetual legacy for the future generations. Don’t wasting your time to mislead and pretend the whole Nation, and weaponizing State Law, resolutions and Constitution for your hidden interests. In the end of your life, God will be asked your achievements based on the records of BOOK OF LIFE. Your WORD must be instilled in the hearts and minds of the people as a good Leader of the NATION. And those who aspiring to lead the Nation based on the UNIVERSAL LAW requirements, you have to estimate first the followings;



  1. Family Background – If you want to change the bad image of your family, then, let be open to the Nation and change to good direction


  1. Knowledge Capacity – Let open before the Nation your Academic achievements so that electors be understood your level of understanding


  1. Leadership Capacity – Let open before the Nation your Charism of Leaderships and experiences so that electors be understood and inspiring your ability


  1. Agenda for the Nation – Let be established good plans in accordance with your level of skills and understanding. Avoid empty promises and tirades against rivals for securing vote’s purposes. Be established your good image which benefiting the future generation. Avoid vote buying, election result’s maneuvering, so that God will not reject you in the time of your Leaderships


  1. Transparency – A good leader is open to all and the right direction of the Nation (Taxes, Saln, foreign deals and alliance, etc.) and right direction of the future generation




The World still unknown about the Sacredness of VOTE which was founded by God based on the Prophets (See, King David’s story). In Christ Kingdom, the DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT headed by three UNIVERSAL INSTITUTIONS (VATICAN and AMERICA and UNITED NATIONS) are fulfillment of the UNIVERSAL LAW. A Divine rule that every aspirant must be part of the TEN COMMANDMENTS power of life as foundation of all STATE CONSTITUTIONS. See, below;


Based on FAITH

  1. You shall have no other God’s before me. – See, Jesus’ commandments about BAPTISM of all Nations (Mathew 16:17-19 and Mathew 28:18-20)
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.?- See, Story of Israelites after worships Gentile’s gods
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. - See, Modern day cults like Quiboloy and Manalo’s organization and thousands of religious cults on earth


Based on ACTION

  1. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. - See, Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday morning, which means the worship day is Sunday under Christ Kingdom and Nation
  2. Honor your father and mother. - See, good Family values both parent and children must be respecting each other
  3. Thou shalt not kill. — God wants us to protect human life. - See, the value of the UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS which rejected by Authoritarian rules
  4. Thou shalt not commit adultery.?– See, broken families were ignoring the Holiness of MARRIAGE LIFE
  5. Thou shalt not steal. – See, Leaders and Employers were stealing and cheating Taxes of the people. Cheating salaries of the workers
  6. Thou shall not bear false witness. - See, politicians were presenting false witnesses against the rivals
  7. You shall not covet. – See, individual, institution and even corrupts Nation like China under Ideology of communism




Revelation Chapter 12






The whole design of the GLOBAL POWER will be completed based on the three CRITERIA;



  1. VATICAN CITY – The mission to be shared with the SACRED POWER OF GOD will be done by two levels of BAPTISM as the above-mentioned subject. A virtual role of VATICAN headed by Pope is for the implementation of the JUDICIAL POWER on earth (Mathew 16:17-19 and Rev. 5:9-10). GLOBAL DIALOGUE is an ultimate mission to be completed for GLOBAL BAPTISM. A UNIVERSAL CHURCH is the UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST which refers to the BODY of the GREAT EAGLE of the Book of PROPHECY (Revelation 12:14). Sole authority of St. Peter is continuously in Pope’s mission being UNIVERSAL SOCIETY Baptizer and JUDICIAL ROLE interpreter



Matthew 16:17-19

New International Version


17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, [a] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[c] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[d] loosed in heaven.”


Romans 1:4-8

New International Version


4 and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power[a] by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. 5 Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from[b] faith for his name’s sake. 6 And you also are among those Gentiles who are called to belong to Jesus Christ.

7 To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people:

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.


Paul’s Longing to Visit Rome


8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.



  1. UNITED NATIONS – a RIGHT WING of the GREAT EAGLE in NEW YORK CITY is a physical image of Christ Power against the power of DRAGON shared by COMMUNIST CHINA in all NATIONS. And being GLOBAL LAWMAKERS comprises of all member Nations, UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS with Ten Principles must be fulfilled. And your mandate is to create and fulfilling the ELECTORAL PROCESS and LAW to be studied in all secondary students in the whole World for the future guidelines and direction as BUILDER OF CHRIST NATION on Earth



Revelation 12:14

New International Version


14 The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach.


  1. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – A chosen Nation under LEFT WING of the GREAT EAGLE and CONQUEROR against the power of DRAGON for the sake of the GLOBAL FREEDOM and UNITY and PEACE and PROGRESS. And being in charge of the EXECUTIVE POWER of Christ Nation on Earth, the ELECTORAL SYSTEM must be implemented in all member NATIONS; and monitoring the election results in every member Nation so that every VOTE will be counted. This is the reason why all registered Voters of every NATION are called the “BUILDER OF CHRIST NATION”. This is the POWER OF SUNLIGHT, the color of YELLOW that will reign on earth which hints at the color of VATICAN FLAG (Rev. 5:9-10). American role is to implement the ELECTORAL PROCESS and LAW to all member NATIONS under the DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT.



In such a way, evil activities of the DRAGON headed by CHINA to replace and manipulate all election results will be prevented


Revelation 2:26-29

New International Version


26 To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— 27 that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’[a]—just as I have received authority from my Father. 28 I will also give that one the morning star. 29 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.






After the 3rd UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT through ELDER-SHIP category, both Angels and Saints will be rewarded SATELLITE THRONE as fulfillment of God's Eternal Covenant to King David. In the BOOK OF PROPHECY, JESUS CHRIST being KING of Heavens reminded us that promised of rewards (Revelation 3:18-22).


Revelation 3:18-22 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)


18 Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, that you may be rich, and white garments to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see. 19 Those whom I love, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. 21 He who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I myself conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches".



  • Gold – Life under God’s Love
  • Fire – Sacrifice of Love
  • Rich – Fulfillment of works
  • White cloth – Good Legacy
  • Shameful nakedness – Ungodly activities
  • Eyes – Knowledge from experiences and studies about law and life
  • Repent – calling for humility and change life from corrupts world
  • Stand and knock the door – The people asking for help or God’s calling to change life for his glory
  • Eat with person – The celebration and attending the Holy Eucharist
  • Victorious – A person who completed the works based on faith
  • Sat with him – All people with complete works based on sacrifice for others and nation and world
  • Reward of Throne – It is SATELLITE THRONE as Christ co-leader in the kingdom



  • God the Father – he has renamed Abram to Abraham means Father of many Nations (Genesis 17:5)
  • God the Son – he has renamed Simon to Peter or ROCK as foundation of Church (Mathew 16:16-20)
  • God the Holy Spirit – on the Pentecost day in Jerusalem, Peter stood before huge people from many nations mostly from Gentile’s people, and on that day, there 3,000 were baptized in the name of Jesus (Acts 2:17 and Acts 2:37-41)


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