God's Essential Essence: A study into epigenetics and our existence Part I

God's Essential Essence: A study into epigenetics and our existence Part I

In the realm of human biology, the Reticular Activating System (RAS), Pons, Thymus, and Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS) play vital roles in our physical and cognitive functions. These structures, with their distinctive characteristics, contribute to the stability, reliability, and unwavering nature of our existence.

The RAS, Pons, Thymus, and ARAS possess unique qualities that contribute to our epigenetics, overall well-being, and daily experiences as the Eternal Body of Christ. From the unshaking nature of the RAS that filters and prioritizes sensory information, to the unwavering stability of the Pons that maintains homeostasis, the undeniable commitment of the Thymus to preserve our immune system, and the unchanging experiences facilitated by the ARAS, these components shape our existence and enable us to fulfill our divine calling. By understanding and appreciating the significance of these qualities, we can embrace our role as the Eternal Body of Christ and live out our purpose with steadfastness, resilience, and an unwavering connection to the divine.

In this edition of Nurture Their Nature Newsletter, we will explore the significance of RAS, Pons, Thymus, and ARAS, emphasizing their unshaking, unwavering, unchanging, and undeniable qualities respectively. By delving into their functions and implications, we can gain a deeper understanding of how these components contribute to our epigenetics, overall well-being, and daily experiences as the Eternal Body of Christ such as the following ways:

RAS- Unshakable Mercy and Grace

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brainstem that regulates our wakefulness, attention, and arousal. It acts as a gatekeeper, filtering and prioritizing the vast amount of sensory information we encounter daily. The unshaking nature of RAS lies in its ability to remain vigilant and responsive, constantly monitoring and assessing incoming stimuli. It ensures that we remain alert to relevant information while filtering out irrelevant or insignificant details.

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) serves as a fundamental component of our epigenetics, contributing to the unshaking nature of our physiological responses. The RAS is responsible for regulating our wakefulness, attention, and arousal, ensuring that we remain vigilant and responsive to the surrounding environment. Its unshaking quality lies in its ability to filter and prioritize sensory information, allowing us to focus on what truly matters and disregard irrelevant stimuli. This filtering mechanism plays a crucial role in shaping our epigenetics, as it determines the activation of specific genes and influences our overall well-being. By maintaining a state of alertness and attentiveness, the RAS contributes to our ability to engage with the world and fulfill our role as the Eternal Body of Christ.

The RAS's unshaking characteristic manifests in various aspects of our lives. For instance, in a busy and distracting environment, the RAS enables us to maintain focus on specific tasks or conversations. It helps us remain undeterred by external distractions, allowing us to concentrate on what truly matters. Furthermore, the unshaking nature of the RAS plays a crucial role in our safety and survival. It alerts us to potential threats or dangers in our surroundings, prompting swift reactions and ensuring our well-being. Note: These qualities reflect the perfection and grace of God as we align ourselves with His will and faithfully follow Him:

  • Divine Protection - Romans 8:38-39: These verses declare the assurance of God's unfailing protection and love for His children. It states, "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." This passage provides comfort and reassurance that God's love is unshakeable, and no external force or circumstance can separate believers from His everlasting care and protection. His protection and love for His children are unfailing, extending beyond the boundaries of time, space, and any earthly power. Take solace in knowing that you are securely held in His embrace, and His divine protection is a shield around you.?
  • Sacred Unshakable Foundation - Jeremiah 32:17:? Describes God as an unshakable foundation. It acknowledges that nothing is too hard for Him, symbolizing that His presence and support provide stability and security. God's unshakable foundation signifies His perfection and grace, as He is the unchanging anchor amidst the storms of life, offering us a firm footing and refuge. Jeremiah 32:17 also again declares that nothing is too hard for God. It showcases the epitome of perfection and grace in sacred unshakable foundation. God's faithfulness and power provide a solid and unshakable foundation for our lives. In Him, we find security, stability, and eternal assurance.
  • Divine Joy - Matthew 5:8, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:4-5, Romans 8:38-39: Divine joy refers to the deep and lasting joy that comes from being in a right relationship with God. It is the joy that springs from experiencing God's perfect love, mercy, and grace. These verses highlight the epitome of perfection and grace as they reveal God's immense joy in reconciling sinners to Himself, His unshakable love and delight in His children, and the assurance of His presence and eternal love that brings joy amidst any circumstance. Allow His joy to fill your heart, knowing that you are cherished and deeply loved by the Creator of the universe.
  • Sacred Majestic Authority - Jeremiah 32:17: This verse highlights the authoritative power of God. It declares that nothing is too difficult for Him and emphasizes His sovereign control over all things. Sacred majestic authority represents God's perfect rule and dominion. It signifies His ability to accomplish His purposes and fulfill His promises. God's authority is absolute and unshakable, demonstrating His perfect wisdom and governance. ?His authoritative rule represents His perfect wisdom and governance, assuring us that His plans and purposes will prevail. Trust in His majestic authority and surrender your worries and fears to Him, knowing that He holds all things in His hands.

Requires A Prayer of? Prayer of Repentance and Renewal: This prayer involves acknowledging one's sins, seeking God's forgiveness, and asking for the transformation of one's heart and life towards holiness. In the journey of repentance and renewal, we turn our hearts towards Your sacred divine nature. Your perfection is unchanging and flawless. We long to be transformed by Your holy presence, conforming to Your image and reflecting Your glory.?

Remember that prayer is a personal and intimate conversation with God. You can adapt and personalize this type of prayer to your own words and circumstances, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts and intentions. In summary, grace is an essential component of the epitome of perfection because it reflects God's perfect love, mercy, justice, and provision. It is the undeserved favor and divine assistance extended to humanity, revealing the depth and richness of God's character and contributing to the perfection of His nature.?

Pons- Unwavering Glory and Victory

The Pons, situated in the brainstem, is a vital structure that connects various regions of the brain, facilitating the flow of information and coordinating essential bodily functions. Its unwavering nature lies in its steadfast commitment to maintaining homeostasis and preserving our fundamental physiological processes. The Pons regulates vital functions such as respiration, sleep cycles, and facial expressions, ensuring their consistency and uninterrupted operation.

The Pons, with its unwavering characteristics, holds a vital position in our overall well-being as the Eternal Body of Christ. Located in the brainstem, the Pons serves as a bridge connecting different brain regions, facilitating seamless communication and integration of information. Its unwavering nature is reflected in its role in maintaining homeostasis and preserving our fundamental physiological processes. By regulating essential functions such as respiration, sleep cycles, and facial expressions, the Pons ensures the consistent and uninterrupted operation of our bodily functions. This unwavering stability not only supports our physical well-being but also contributes to our emotional stability and resilience, enabling us to navigate the challenges we face as the Eternal Body of Christ.

The unwavering characteristic of the Pons extends beyond its role in basic bodily functions. It serves as a bridge between different brain regions, allowing for seamless communication and integration of information. This unwavering connectivity enables us to process complex thoughts, emotions, and memories, forming the foundation of our cognitive abilities. Moreover, the Pons plays a crucial role in maintaining emotional stability and regulating stress responses, enabling us to navigate challenging situations with composure and resilience.

Sacred Truth - Psalm 145:3, Psalm 90:2: Sacred truth refers to the unchanging and reliable nature of God's Word and character. Psalm 145:3 extols God's greatness and abundant truth, and Psalm 90:2 emphasizes that God is the eternal and faithful God. God's truth is unwavering and serves as a firm foundation in a world filled with uncertainties. It is the source of wisdom, guidance, and ultimate truth that we can trust and rely upon. May your commitment to God and His kingdom be unwavering, and may you experience the richness and blessings that come from honoring Him wholeheartedly.?

  • Wholehearted Honor - Matthew 7:7, Luke 9:62: These verses emphasize the importance of wholeheartedly seeking and following God. Matthew 7:7 encourages us to ask, seek, and knock, indicating the sincere and persistent pursuit of God's will. Luke 9:62 emphasizes the need for unwavering commitment to Jesus and His kingdom, putting Him above all else. Wholehearted honor speaks of the perfection and grace of God as we wholeheartedly surrender ourselves to Him and His purposes.
  • Integrity Honor - Luke 9:62: Integrity honor represents the epitome of perfection and grace in maintaining steadfast commitment and loyalty. In Luke 9:62, Jesus challenges His followers to remain focused and unwavering in their dedication to Him. It emphasizes the importance of integrity in honoring one's commitments, promises, and responsibilities. By living with integrity, believers reflect God's character of faithfulness and grace.
  • Steadfast Honor - Luke 9:62: This verse highlights the importance of unwavering commitment and loyalty in following Jesus. It reveals the honor and grace in remaining steadfast in one's dedication to Christ and His teachings, even in the face of challenges and distractions. His empowering presence to live a life that brings honor and glory to His name.
  • Obedient Honor - Matthew 7:7, Luke 9:62, Luke 9:23: These verses speak of the honor that comes from wholehearted obedience to God. Matthew 7:7 encourages us to ask, seek, and knock, demonstrating our trust and reliance on God's guidance. Luke 9:62 emphasizes the importance of unwavering commitment to Jesus and His kingdom, putting Him above all else. Luke 9:23 calls us to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus, surrendering our will to His. Obedient honor reflects the perfection and grace of God as we align ourselves with His will and submit to His loving authority.
  • Persistent Honor - Matthew 7:7: Persistent honor refers to the virtue of maintaining a steadfast and unwavering commitment to seeking and pursuing God's will. Matthew 7:7 encourages believers to persistently ask, seek, and knock in prayer, trusting in God's faithfulness and provision. Persistent honor reflects a deep trust in God's goodness and an unwavering dedication to seeking His guidance and direction. It demonstrates a reliance on God's grace and a commitment to aligning our lives with His perfect plan and purposes.
  • Unwavering Honor - Luke 9:62: This term refers to the unwavering devotion and commitment required to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. It speaks of the importance of being steadfast in our faith and not being distracted or swayed by worldly concerns. As well, ?it calls us to allegiance to Him above all else, not allowing ourselves to be swayed by worldly views.?The unwavering honor reveals God's perfection and grace as it calls us to remain steadfast and prioritize our allegiance to Him above all else, trusting in His guidance and provision. It is through unwavering honor that we experience the fullness of His presence and the joy of walking closely with Him.

Divine Integrity - Matthew 23:25-26: These verses highlight the epitome of perfection and grace in divine integrity. Jesus rebukes the religious leaders for their hypocrisy, emphasizing the importance of inner purity and authenticity. Divine integrity embodies honesty, consistency, and righteousness in all aspects of life. It reflects God's unwavering commitment to truth, righteousness, and moral uprightness. As we strive to reflect divine integrity, we align ourselves with the character of our Heavenly Father and become vessels of His grace and love as such:

  • Reflective Glory: Luke 9:62 encourages individuals to focus forward and not look back, reflecting the glory of a resolute and unwavering commitment to following Jesus. By keeping our eyes fixed on Him and aligning our lives with His teachings, we reflect His glory and bring honor to His name. Reflective glory reveals the transformative power of God's grace in our lives, as we become more and more like Him each day.
  • Unchanging Glory: Romans 10:9 emphasizes the unchanging glory of God in the context of salvation. It states that confessing Jesus as Lord and believing in Him leads to salvation, highlighting the consistent and unchanging nature of God's redemptive plan. As well, 1 Corinthians 16:14 speaks about doing everything in love, which reflects the unchanging glory of God's character. Love is an enduring attribute of God that remains constant and unwavering. ?It is through His unchanging glory that we find hope, security, and the assurance of His everlasting love.

These characteristics reflect the epitome of perfection and grace in God's nature, revealing His boundless love, forgiveness, and unchanging favor. Unwavering Glory - Luke 9:62, John 14:6: These verses highlight the unwavering nature of God's glory. They emphasize that God's glory and truth remain constant and unchanging, providing a solid foundation for our faith and hope (see RAS above, Thymus below). The unwavering glory of God reveals His perfection and grace as it assures us of His faithfulness and reliability, even in the midst of uncertainty and challenges. Please note No Matter what we may face in life, His mercy remains steadfast, offering us forgiveness, restoration, and hope. When we fix our gaze on the unwavering glory of God, we find strength, courage, and enduring hope such as:

  • Inseparable Mercy - Romans 8:38-39: Inseparable mercy refers to God's mercy that is unbreakable and unaffected by any external circumstances or powers. Romans 8:38-39 assures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God, emphasizing His mercy that endures forever. Inseparable mercy reveals God's perfection and grace as it provides us with assurance, comfort, and the unwavering knowledge that His mercy is constant and unchanging.
  • Unfailing Mercy: Ephesians 2:8-9 emphasizes that salvation is a result of God's grace and mercy, illustrating His unwavering and unceasing mercy. As well, 1 John 4:9-10 underscores that God's love is unconditional and unwavering, revealing His unfailing mercy towards humanity. ?His mercy knows no bounds, reaching out to us even in our brokenness and offering us the gift of salvation.
  • Abiding Grace - Romans 5:8, Romans 8:38-39: Abiding grace signifies the continuous, unwavering favor and unmerited love of God toward His people. Romans 5:8 highlights that God demonstrates His love through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, providing eternal grace and salvation. Romans 8:38-39 assures believers that nothing can separate them from the love of God. Abiding grace assures believers of God's presence and support in all circumstances, offering comfort, strength, and hope in the midst of challenges. His grace sustains us and empowers us to walk in His love and righteousness.
  • Invincible Grace - Romans 8:38-39: These verses proclaim the invincibility of God's grace. They assure us that nothing in all creation can separate us from His love. Invincible grace reveals God's perfection and grace as it demonstrates His unwavering and unconquerable love, which remains steadfast and unchanging in the face of any obstacle or challenge. His grace triumphs over every adversity, offering us security and assurance in His unwavering love.
  • Inseparable Grace - Romans 8:38-39: Inseparable grace refers to God's grace that is unwavering and cannot be separated or severed from His love. Romans 8:38-39 emphasizes that neither death, life, nor any other created thing can separate us from the love of God. Inseparable grace reveals God's perfection and grace as it assures us of His continuous favor, forgiveness, and salvation that cannot be revoked or lost. His grace is an everlasting gift, lavished upon us without condition.
  • Unchanging Grace: Romans 5:8 emphasizes that God's grace remains constant and unwavering, even in the face of human sinfulness and undeserving state. His grace is not dependent on our performance or merit, but on His unchanging character of love and mercy. It is through His unchanging grace that we find forgiveness, restoration, and the hope of eternal life.

Sacred Endurance - Isaiah 40:28: this verse emphasizes the endurance of God. It declares that God does not grow weary or faint, showcasing His unwavering strength and steadfastness. This attribute assures us that God's faithfulness and love endure forever, and His power never diminishes. It reminds us that in times of weariness and challenges, we can rely on the enduring strength of God. These attributes of God reflect His perfection and grace, offering us comfort, strength, and a deeper understanding of His character such as:

  • Sacred Unfailing Love: Isaiah 40:28 describes God as the everlasting God, highlighting His unfailing love and faithfulness. It demonstrates that God's love is unwavering, enduring, and perfect. As well in Isaiah 40:28 describes God's unfailing love. It says, "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God..." This verse highlights the eternal and unwavering love of God. His love is steadfast and unchanging, encompassing all people throughout all generations. His love knows no bounds and is not contingent on our actions or circumstances. God's unfailing love is a testament to His perfection and grace, as He loves us despite our flaws and shortcomings. He is always there to sustain us, to carry us through difficult seasons, and to provide the strength we need to overcome.
  • Sacred Unfailing Source: Revelation 1:8 portrays God as the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. It signifies the epitome of perfection and grace in sacred unfailing source. God is the ultimate source of all things, the origin of existence, wisdom, and power. He is eternal and unchanging, providing an unwavering foundation for our lives. ?In Him, we find stability and a firm footing on which to build our lives.

Sacred Faithfulness: Psalm 145:3 declares God's faithfulness in all His works and His steadfast love for all He has made. It showcases the epitome of perfection and grace in sacred faithfulness. God's faithfulness is unwavering and trustworthy, reflecting His perfect character and commitment to His creation. It is a reminder that we can place our trust in Him, knowing that He will never fail us. His faithfulness extends to every aspect of our lives, offering us comfort, guidance, and unwavering support. Here's how we Rest in His grace and trust in His promises, for He is the source of unwavering hope and the anchor of our souls such as:

  • Sacred Infallible Faith - Jeremiah 32:17: this verse recognizes God's infallible faithfulness and mighty deeds. It highlights the epitome of perfection and grace in sacred infallible faith. God's faith is perfect, without error or doubt. His faithfulness is demonstrated through His mighty acts and unwavering commitment to His promises. In times of uncertainty, His infallible faith provides us with hope and confidence.
  • Sacred Divine Perfection - Revelation 1:8: Sacred divine perfection refers to the flawless and complete nature of God. Revelation 1:8 declares that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, highlighting His all-encompassing perfection. God's divine perfection encompasses His holiness, righteousness, and complete absence of imperfection or flaw. It signifies the ultimate standard of excellence and purity. Sacred divine perfection reminds us of God's unwavering faithfulness, unchanging character, and the absolute trustworthiness of His promises. It invites us to worship and adore the One who is perfectly and eternally perfect.

Divine Revelation: Romans 8:38-39 declares the unfailing love of God, emphasizing divine hope as the pinnacle of perfection and grace. It assures believers that nothing can separate them from the love of God in Christ Jesus, providing unwavering hope and security.

  • Divine Faithfulness - The verses mentioned, such as 1 John 1:9, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:8, John 3:16, and Romans 8:38-39, highlight the epitome of God's faithfulness. They demonstrate that God is unwavering in His commitment to His people. 1 John 1:9 assures us that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us. Ephesians 2:8-9 emphasizes that our salvation is a result of God's grace and faithfulness, not our own works. Romans 5:8 reveals that God's love is demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, even when we were sinners. John 3:16 declares God's faithful love by giving His Son for our redemption. Romans 8:38-39 affirms that nothing can separate us from the love of God. These verses showcase God's unwavering faithfulness, His commitment to His promises, and His steadfast love towards us.
  • Faithful Love - James 4:8 encourages us to draw near to God, and He will draw near to us. It emphasizes the faithful love of God, which extends to those who seek Him. God's faithful love is unwavering and enduring, regardless of our circumstances or shortcomings. It is a love that remains steadfast and constant, always available for us to experience and enjoy.
  • Divine Trust - John 3:16: John 3:16 conveys the depth of God's trust and confidence in humanity by sending His Son to save us. Divine trust refers to God's unwavering faith in us and His belief that we have the capacity to respond to His love and receive salvation. Divine trust demonstrates God's perfection and grace as He extends His trust to fallen humanity, inviting us to place our trust in Him in return.

Thymus- Undeniable (Undeserved) Faith Upon Hope

The Thymus, located in the upper chest region, is a key component of the immune system and plays a vital role in immune cell maturation and function. Despite its relatively small size, the Thymus embodies the unchanging quality through its steadfast commitment to preserving and protecting our immune system throughout our lives. It ensures the production and maturation of T-cells, which play a critical role in immune responses, maintaining the body's defense against pathogens and foreign invaders.

The Thymus, in its unchanging nature, plays a significant role in shaping our epigenetics and overall well-being as the Eternal Body of Christ. Situated in the upper chest region, the Thymus is a crucial component of the immune system, responsible for the production and maturation of T-cells. Its unchanging characteristic lies in its commitment to preserving and protecting our immune system throughout our lives. By ensuring the continuous development of T-cells, the Thymus contributes to the maintenance of our immune response, defending our bodies against pathogens and foreign invaders. This unchanging stability promotes our overall well-being as the Eternal Body of Christ, as it provides a foundation for our physical health and vitality, allowing us to fulfill our purpose and carry out our divine mission.

The unchanging nature of the Thymus is essential for our overall health and well-being. It provides a stable foundation for our immune system, allowing it to adapt and respond effectively to various challenges. Even as we age, and our bodies undergo numerous physiological changes, the Thymus remains dedicated to its role in immune function, ensuring our continued protection against illnesses and infections. Its unchanging quality serves as a reminder of the body's remarkable ability to adapt and defend itself, promoting longevity and vitality.

Sacred Love (see Pons, and ARAS)- Psalm 145:3, Psalm 90:2: Sacred love represents the perfect, unconditional love of God toward His creation. Psalm 145:3 praises God for His great love and abundant goodness. Psalm 90:2 acknowledges that God's love endures forever. Sacred love signifies the unchanging, steadfast affection of God for His people. It is a love that is pure, sacrificial, and undeserved. It demonstrates God's compassion, mercy, and grace, providing comfort, forgiveness, and salvation to those who seek Him. Sacred love is the epitome of perfection and grace, showcasing the depth of God's character and His desire to have a loving relationship with humanity. By obeying His commands and seeking His will in all areas of our lives, we honor Him and reflect His character of faithfulness and grace.

Perfect Justice: Grace does not undermine God's perfect justice but rather upholds it in a harmonious way. While justice demands punishment for sin, grace provides a solution by offering undeserved favor and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Grace satisfies the demands of justice while providing a pathway for reconciliation, demonstrating God's perfect justice and making it an integral part of the epitome of perfection.

  • Undeserved Glory: Romans 5:8 speaks of God's undeserved glory, as it emphasizes that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. This demonstrates God's grace and love, as His glory is bestowed upon us despite our unworthiness. As well, this verse emphasizes the perfection and grace of God's love demonstrated through Jesus Christ. It reveals that God's glory is bestowed upon us even though we are undeserving, highlighting His unconditional love and mercy.
  • Unmerited Glory - Romans 10:9, 1 Corinthians 15:57: These verses highlight the unmerited nature of God's glory. They speak of the salvation and victory that come through faith in Jesus Christ, not through our own efforts or merits. The unmerited glory of God reveals His perfection and grace as it emphasizes His undeserved favor and the free gift of salvation available to all who believe.
  • Loving Grace - James 1:27: This concept emphasizes that God's grace is rooted in His love for us. It is a manifestation of His loving nature, extending undeserved favor and blessings to us. Loving grace reveals God's perfection and grace as it combines His love and favor, transforming our lives and enabling us to extend love and grace to others.
  • Delivering Grace - Ephesians 2:8-9: These verses emphasize that our salvation is a result of God's grace alone, not our own efforts. It highlights that we are saved by God's undeserved favor and not by our works. The delivering grace of God reveals His perfection and grace as it demonstrates His unmerited favor and the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Sanctifying Grace - Matthew 5:8, Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:9-10: Sanctifying grace refers to the undeserved favor and empowerment of God that enables believers to grow in holiness and righteousness. Matthew 5:8 speaks of the pure in heart seeing God, highlighting the transformative work of God's grace in purifying and sanctifying the inner being. Romans 5:8 emphasizes that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, demonstrating God's redemptive and sanctifying grace. 1 John 4:9-10 reveals that God's love was made manifest through the sacrificial death of Jesus, resulting in our sanctification and reconciliation with God. Sanctifying grace enables believers to overcome sin, grow in likeness to Christ, and experience an intimate relationship with God.
  • Amazing Grace - John 3:16: Amazing grace represents the incomprehensible, extraordinary, and undeserved favor and love of God. John 3:16 is a well-known verse that encapsulates the essence of God's amazing grace by declaring that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Amazing grace emphasizes the sacrificial nature of God's love and the immeasurable value placed on every individual. It reminds believers of the depth of God's mercy and the transformative power of His grace in bringing salvation and eternal life.
  • Irresistible Grace - Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:8: These verses highlight that God's grace is irresistible and undeserved. It is His unmerited favor that saves us and transforms our lives. Irresistible grace reveals God's perfection and grace as it demonstrates His initiative in reaching out to us, His pursuit of our redemption, and His ability to draw us to Himself by His overwhelming love.

ARAS- Unchanging Divine Sacred Majesty

The Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS), closely interconnected with the RAS, is responsible for relaying sensory information to higher brain regions, facilitating conscious awareness and perception. Its undeniable characteristic lies in its role as a conduit for sensory experiences, ensuring that the information we perceive is acknowledged and interpreted by the conscious mind.

The Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS), with its undeniable nature, plays a pivotal role in our daily experiences as the Eternal Body of Christ. Interconnected with the RAS, the ARAS relays sensory information to higher brain regions, facilitating conscious awareness and perception. Its undeniable characteristic ensures that the sensory experiences we encounter are acknowledged and interpreted by our conscious mind. As the Eternal Body of Christ, these undeniable experiences contribute to our spiritual growth, understanding, and connection with God and one another. Whether it be the undeniable beauty of God's creation, the undeniable taste of His grace, or the undeniable touch of His love, the ARAS allows us to fully engage with and experience the divine presence. Through the undeniable experiences facilitated by the ARAS, we are continually transformed and equipped to fulfill our purpose as the Eternal Body of Christ, sharing His love and light with the world.

A Sacred Timeless God - In Revelation 1:8, this verse proclaims the eternal nature of God, declaring Him as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. It signifies that God exists outside the confines of time and is unbound by its limitations. God's timeless nature reveals His eternal existence and highlights His perfect, unchanging character. The undeniable nature of ARAS is fundamental to our human experience. It allows us to engage with the world around us, experiencing the full range of sensory stimuli that shape our perceptions and interactions. Whether it be the beauty of nature, the taste of a delicious meal, or the touch of a loved one, ARAS ensures that these experiences are undeniable, leaving a lasting impact on our consciousness. Furthermore, ARAS enables us to process and make meaning of our experiences, contributing to our personal growth, understanding, and self-awareness.

  1. Sacred Eternity - Psalm 145:3, Psalm 90:2, 1 Chronicles 29:11: These verses highlight the eternal nature of God. Psalm 145:3 and Psalm 90:2 acknowledge God's everlasting existence, while 1 Chronicles 29:11 declares that God's is the dominion and His kingdom endures forever. Sacred eternity refers to God's timeless and unchanging nature, existing beyond the boundaries of time and space. It underscores the infinite nature of God's being and His eternal reign.
  2. Sacred Truth (see Pons)- Psalm 145:3, Psalm 90:2: Sacred truth refers to the unchanging and reliable nature of God's Word and character. Psalm 145:3 extols God's greatness and abundant truth, and Psalm 90:2 emphasizes that God is the eternal and faithful God. God's truth is unwavering and serves as a firm foundation in a world filled with uncertainties. It is the source of wisdom, guidance, and ultimate truth that we can trust and rely upon.
  3. Sacred Eternal Love - Jeremiah 32:17: Jeremiah 32:17 reveals God's eternal love, showcasing His unfailing and unchanging affection for His creation. It portrays God's enduring commitment to His people and His steadfast love that extends throughout all generations. God's eternal love assures us of His faithfulness and grace that never wavers or fades away.

Sacred Perfection - Psalm 145:3, Isaiah 40:28, Psalm 90:2: These verses highlight the perfection of God's character and nature. Psalm 145:3 declares, "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable." Isaiah 40:28 states, "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable." Psalm 90:2 affirms, "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God." These verses reveal God's eternal, unchanging, and perfect nature. They remind us that He is beyond our comprehension and worthy of our praise.

Sacred Unchangingness:

  • Isaiah 40:28 declares that the Lord is everlasting, and His understanding is unsearchable. This verse highlights the unchanging nature of God, emphasizing His eternal existence and wisdom.

Unchanging Grace:

  • Romans 5:8 emphasizes that God's grace remains constant and unwavering, even in the face of human sinfulness and undeserving state.

Inseparable Mercy - Romans 8:38-39: Inseparable mercy refers to God's mercy that is unbreakable and unaffected by any external circumstances or powers. Romans 8:38-39 assures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God, emphasizing His mercy that endures forever. Inseparable mercy reveals God's perfection and grace as it provides us with assurance, comfort, and the unwavering knowledge that His mercy is constant and unchanging.

Sacred Unchanging Presence:

  • Revelation 1:8 refers to God as the Alpha and Omega, who is, who was, and who is to come. This verse reveals the perpetual presence of God, His timeless existence, and His constancy throughout all time.

Unchanging Glory:

  • Romans 10:9 emphasizes the unchanging glory of God in the context of salvation. It states that confessing Jesus as Lord and believing in Him leads to salvation, highlighting the consistent and unchanging nature of God's redemptive plan.
  • 1 Corinthians 16:14 speaks about doing everything in love, which reflects the unchanging glory of God's character. Love is an enduring attribute of God that remains constant and unwavering.

Unwavering Glory - Luke 9:62, John 14:6: These verses highlight the unwavering nature of God's glory. They emphasize that God's glory and truth remain constant and unchanging, providing a solid foundation for our faith and hope. The unwavering glory of God reveals His perfection and grace as it assures us of His faithfulness and reliability, even in the midst of uncertainty and challenges.

Sacred Unchanging Truth:

  • Jeremiah 32:17 speaks of God's mighty deeds and affirms that nothing is too hard for Him. This verse reflects the unchanging truth of God's power and ability to fulfill His promises.

Divine Faithfulness:

  • Ephesians 2:8-9 emphasizes that salvation is a result of God's grace through faith, not our own works, highlighting His faithful and unchanging nature.

Divine Security - Ephesians 2:4-5, Romans 8:38-39: Divine security refers to the assurance and confidence believers have in their eternal relationship with God. Ephesians 2:4-5 emphasizes that God's great love and mercy have made us alive together with Christ, securing our position as His children. Romans 8:38-39 declares that nothing can separate us from the love of God, providing a sense of security and confidence in our salvation. Divine security rests on the unchanging nature of God's love, His faithfulness, and His promise to preserve and protect His children. It brings peace and assurance, knowing that our eternal destiny is secure in Him.?

Sacred Immutable Reality: Revelation 1:8: Revelation 1:8 affirms that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the one who is and who was and who is to come. It reveals the epitome of perfection and grace in sacred immutable reality. God's immutable reality refers to His unchanging nature and existence. He is the ultimate reality, unaffected by the passing of time or any external factors.

Sacred Divine Perfection - Revelation 1:8: Sacred divine perfection refers to the flawless and complete nature of God. Revelation 1:8 declares that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, highlighting His all-encompassing perfection. God's divine perfection encompasses His holiness, righteousness, and complete absence of imperfection or flaw. It signifies the ultimate standard of excellence and purity. Sacred divine perfection reminds us of God's unwavering faithfulness, unchanging character, and the absolute trustworthiness of His promises. It invites us to worship and adore the One who is perfectly and eternally perfect.

  • Sacred Unfailing Love - Isaiah 40:28: Isaiah 40:28 describes God's unfailing love. It says, "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God..." This verse highlights the eternal and unwavering love of God. His love is steadfast and unchanging, encompassing all people throughout all generations. God's unfailing love is a testament to His perfection and grace, as He loves us despite our flaws and shortcomings.
  • Sacred Love - Psalm 145:3, Psalm 90:2: Sacred love represents the perfect, unconditional love of God toward His creation. Psalm 145:3 praises God for His great love and abundant goodness. Psalm 90:2 acknowledges that God's love endures forever. Sacred love signifies the unchanging, steadfast affection of God for His people. It is a love that is pure, sacrificial, and undeserved. It demonstrates God's compassion, mercy, and grace, providing comfort, forgiveness, and salvation to those who seek Him. Sacred love is the epitome of perfection and grace, showcasing the depth of God's character and His desire to have a loving relationship with humanity.
  • Sacred Unshakable Foundation - Jeremiah 32:17: Jeremiah 32:17 describes God as an unshakable foundation. It acknowledges that nothing is too hard for Him, symbolizing that His presence and support provide stability and security. God's unshakable foundation signifies His perfection and grace, as He is the unchanging anchor amidst the storms of life, offering us a firm footing and refuge.
  • Divine Faithfulness: 1 John 1:9 assures believers of God's faithfulness in forgiving their sins when they confess them. This verse showcases the epitome of perfection and grace in God's faithfulness. It reveals that God is faithful to His promises and extends His grace and forgiveness to those who genuinely repent. His faithfulness is grounded in His perfect character and highlights the unchanging nature of His love and mercy.
  • Sacred Holiness: Psalm 90:2 proclaims that God is from everlasting to everlasting, demonstrating His sacred holiness. It highlights the eternal nature of God, signifying His perfection and grace. His holiness is not bound by time or limitations, and He stands as the eternal and unchanging One.
  • Sacred Faithfulness: Isaiah 40:2 proclaims that God's faithfulness endures forever. It highlights the epitome of perfection and grace in sacred faithfulness. God's faithfulness remains constant and unchanging, providing assurance and security to His people.
  • Sacred Unfailing Source: Revelation 1:8 portrays God as the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. It signifies the epitome of perfection and grace in sacred unfailing source. God is the ultimate source of all things, the origin of existence, wisdom, and power. He is eternal and unchanging, providing an unwavering foundation for our lives.
  • Inseparable Mercy - Romans 8:38-39: These verses emphasize the epitome of perfection and grace in inseparable mercy. Paul expresses his conviction that nothing can separate us from the love of God, including any powers or circumstances. God's mercy is boundless, unchanging, and unaffected by external factors. It is a constant source of grace and compassion, providing comfort, forgiveness, and redemption.
  • Invincible Grace - Romans 8:38-39: These verses proclaim the invincibility of God's grace. They assure us that nothing in all creation can separate us from His love. Invincible grace reveals God's perfection and grace as it demonstrates His unwavering and unconquerable love, which remains steadfast and unchanging in the face of any obstacle or challenge.

In conclusion, the RAS, Pons, Thymus, and ARAS are remarkable components of the human body, each embodying unique qualities that contribute to our physical and cognitive functions. Their unshaking, unwavering, unchanging, and undeniable characteristics shape our experiences and perceptions of the world. Understanding the significance of these structures allows us to appreciate the intricate balance and reliability of our biological systems. ?In Matthew 7:7, we are encouraged to ask, seek, and knock with our whole hearts, demonstrating our sincere and persistent pursuit of God's will. This wholehearted honor reflects the perfection and grace of God as we surrender ourselves fully to Him and His purposes. Let us be reminded of the significance of wholeheartedly seeking and following God in every aspect of our lives. As we navigate through life, let us embrace and honor these qualities within us, recognizing the stability and steadfastness that contribute to our overall well-being.

May your life be a testament to the honor and glory of our Heavenly Father. -Tricia

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