God's Curses for Disobedience

God's Curses for Disobedience

The curses of ‘God’ (YHWH or Elohim in Hebrew) first appear in (Genesis 2:15–17), where the Creator promises our first parents that disobedience to His command will result in their deaths.

The responsibility thereafter fell upon Israel to abide by the terms of the covenant. They were to abide by “all His commandments and His statutes” (not only the 10 Commandments, but the 613 ‘Jewish Commandments’ (Mitzvot in Hebrew) detailed in the Old Testament or ‘Bible’ (Tanakh in Hebrew),” and failure to do so would bring God's curses. (Deuteronomy 28:15-46)

Some of the sinful acts included “swearing; lying; murder; stealing; adultery, and innocent bloodshed after bloodshed.” (Hosea 4.2)

Sinful acts are viewed as a defiance of God's Commandments, and ‘sin’ (khata in Hebrew) itself regarded as an attitude of defiance or hatred of God...


Food for thought!


