God's Creation.
Michael Kusi
Oct. 16, 2023
University of Christocracy
Archbishop Alexander.
??????????????????????????????????? ?????? A Theological Argument for God’s Creation
There are a plethora of popular doctrines as to the origins of the Universe. Some people
who are unbelievers hold to the Big Bang Theory whereas others believe in the steady state
theory of creation. [1] And other people who believe in different religions hold that their tenets
helped shape the earth and creation.[2] But we as Christocrats believe that God created the earth
and creation in Genesis.[3]
??????????? The book of Genesis is traditionally held to be written by Moses. There is controversial scholarship that dictates that there are separate J, E, D, and P sources for the Torah, which are the first five books of the Bible.[4] The J source is the Yahweist source, the E source is the Elohim source, the D source is the Deuteronomist, and the P is the Priestly Source. [5]They hold that the Priestly source is the one who wrote the first chapter of Genesis. However, this theory is fraught with peril. It omits Moses as a central figure in the compilation of Scripture and casts doubt on the idea of Genesis as a history of early mankind. Therefore this JEDP source for the Torah must be repudiated and cast aside.
??????????? Josephus writes that Adam was tasked with keeping the history of mankind and that this history was passed to Methuselah who compiled the history of the world, including early Genesis, on tablets that could be kept. ?There was also a pillar of brick and a pillar of stone, one which was inscribed the deep knowledge of the universe. [6]Noah then went to the wilderness and deposited these tablets in the wilderness. When Moses went to the wilderness, he went to get these tablets and utilized them in creating the Book of Genesis. He also received revelation from God, including when God showed him his backside, he showed him deep revelation from the past.
However, there is a gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 that can be explained by the gap restoration theory. This theory would also help to understand why the Earth could be millions if not billions of years old, but that God is still the creator. Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the Earth was formless and void and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [7]
In the beginning in Hebrew means bereshit.[8] This means that before the start of anything that could be conceived, God was still there. This also means at the beginning of or at the head of. God is the head and the supreme king of Creation. And because he is the king, he has crowned us to be kings and queens as Christocrats as well. Creation that begins to exist must have a cause and a Creator.[9] And because there is a God, there is also a reason why mankind exists. [10]God is the creator of creation. This verse states that there is one God of Creation.[11] Jesus had told the Pharisees that before Abraham was, he had existed.[12] The Bible says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.[13] This denotes a God who is made up of three parts, because this is a three-phrased sentence. The Hebrew word for God is Elohim, and it means God.[14] It is plural, which refers to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is not referring to three Gods but to the Godhead who is three in one.[15]
The word for created is Bara.[16] ?To create means to form and to fashion. God and God alone created the heavens and the earth. God alone could make creation when nothing exists because he has omnipotent power.[17] Humans can build on what God created, but they cannot form and fashion out of nothing.[18] ?The Devil can counterfeit, but he also cannot create out of nothing. ?Their power to create is limited, while God’s power to create is unlimited and boundless. God did not rely on the processes of the earth, nor did he rely on the consultation of angels to create the earth, but he made the heavens and the earth of his own volition. The Bible says in Psalms 19 that the heavens declare the handiwork of God and the firmament shows the work that God has done.[19] Because God has made creation, he has also made creation with a purpose. God has a will and a plan for the Earth, and this plan is seen in creation.[20]
The Heavens and the Earth can be translated from Hebrew as samayim etha ares. This was also the time that God would have created the angels, including Lucifer. The earth was good then, but it would not stay good because of Lucifer’s rebellion. There is also the Hebrew conjunction waw which is meant to join together two parts of speech. It can be translated as and. The Bible says that God created both the heavens and the earth. He did not create one part and
left the other part to be created by another person. There is also the Hebrew verb Hayah means to be or to come to pass.
Verse 2 refers to the Earth as without form and void can be translated from Hebrew as tohu and vohu.[21] ?The earth that had a shape was now formless and void. The earth became formless and void because of the Devil’s rebellion. Isaiah 14:12-17 states that the Devil was made perfect in beauty until sinfulness was found in him. [22]It says that he was cast down to the earth, and he once had authority over the nations.
Pride had corrupted Lucifer to his core, and he believed that he was better than God and wanted to usurp the power of God. He was the one who shook the Earth and made kingdoms tremble. [23]Lucifer was the one who made the world a wilderness because of his rebellion against God. God had flooded the earth and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters to prevent Satan from claiming the Earth[24]. ?
Jeremiah 4:23-26 harkens back to a previous time. It states that Jeremiah saw the Earth, and it was without form and void, and the heavens were without light. ?He saw the mountains, and they trembled out of fear. The hills were moving back and forth and there was no man, All the birds of the heavens were gone. The rebellion of Satan had corrupted both the heavens and the earth, so God had to flood the earth to make sure that Satan would not have access to earth. God had to kick Satan out of heaven to make sure that Satan did not have access to heaven.
Luke 10:18 states that ?I beheld Satan fell like lightning from heaven. Lightning denotes a precipitous fall and a great fall. Satan’s original habitat was in heaven but because he rebelled, he was cast out of heaven. The Bible also describes Lucifer as the son of the morning.
Matthew 25:41- The Bible says of those who do evil that they should depart into the eternal fire
that has been prepared for the Devil and his angels. The concept of hell was not there at the
beginning of creation, but it was created when the Devil and his angels refused to obey. It was a
fall-back option made because creation would not conform to the will of the Creator. Therefore,
it is the ultimate upholder of choice. Those who believe in Christ will go to heaven, and those
who do not believe will get their choice fulfilled in the afterlife as well.
??????????? In Revelation 12:7-9, John beheld a dragon who swept one-third of the stars out of the sky. There was a woman who was about to give birth, and the dragon fought against her but could not prevail. The dragon and his angels fought against Michael and the angels from heaven, so they were kicked out of heaven. They could not stay in heaven, because they had become too impure. He was cast down to the earth, and his angels went with him.[25]
??????????? The Bible says in Isaiah 24:1 that the Lord was going to lay waste to the Earth and that the Earth was going to be laid bare. This is a premonition of what happened at the beginning of creation, where the actions of the enemy forced God to level the Earth so that the Devil could not establish his kingdom there. The earth is dried up and the heavens suffered with the Earth.[26] However, the Lord had plans for the Earth and was not going to leave the Earth bare.
??????????? The Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the face of the deep.[27] The Spirit sat upon the waters of the flooded earth. The word spirit in this passage is the same as wind. It is the word ruach.[28] This is not the only time God would appear in the wind as an encounter. God appeared in the wind and sat upon the saints as tongues of fire.[29]
God then said let there be light.[30] Light is commanded to appear and light did appear. [31]The verb yihee ?is used here, and it means to come into existence. [32]God took the light from himself and cast it upon the earth. God saw that it was good.[33] This is the first of seven times that God saw that his creation was good. No Satan was interfering with Creation. God separated the light from the darkness.[34] The darkness did not come about because of the fall of man, but it was God’s preordained plan. God created that which was unstable into stable order.[35] And this was the first day. [36]
??????????? Genesis 1:1-3 encompasses a vast period of creation. From the creation of the heavens and the earth to the fall of Lucifer, to the creation of light and the separation of light and darkness into day and night.[37] Through it all God remains sovereign over heaven and earth and is the Mighty God to be praised. God’s hand can be seen throughout the entirety of creation, and several sources corroborate Genesis’ account of creation.
[2] Dennis Prager, Genesis: God, Creation and Destruction, Regnery Publishing, Washington D.C, 2019, pg 3.
[3] Genesis 1.
[5] Ibid.
[7] Genesis 1:2.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Dennis Prager, Genesis: God, Creation and Destruction, Regnery Publishing, Washington D.C, 2019, pg 1.
[12] John 8:58.
[13] John 1:1.
[17] Dennis Prager, Genesis: God, Creation and Destruction, Regnery Publishing, Washington D.C, 2019, pg 2.
[18] Ibid.
[19] Psalms 19:1.
[20] Dennis Prager, Genesis: God, Creation and Destruction, Regnery Publishing, Washington D.C, 2019, pg 8.
[21] Dennis Prager, Genesis: God, Creation and Destruction, Regnery Publishing, Washington D.C, 2019, pg 18.
[22] Isaiah 14:12-17.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Genesis 1:2
[25] Revelation 12:7-9.
[26] Isaiah 24:3
[27] Genesis 1:2.
[28] Dennis Prager, Genesis: God, Creation and Destruction, Regnery Publishing, Washington D.C, 2019, pg 15.
[29] Acts 2.
[30] Genesis 1:3.
[31] Ibid.
[32] Dennis Prager, Genesis: God, Creation and Destruction, Regnery Publishing, Washington D.C, 2019, pg 16.
[33] Genesis 1:4
[34] Genesis 1:4.
[35] Dennis Prager, Genesis: God, Creation and Destruction, Regnery Publishing, Washington D.C, 2019, pg 16.
[36] Genesis 1:5
[37] Genesis 1:3.