God's consciousness: 'Oneness' of soul
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Shri Krishna says: Now hear, O son of Partha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt. I shall now declare unto you in full this knowledge, both phenomenal and numinous. This being known, nothing further shall remain for you to know. Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego -- all together these eight constitute My separated material energies.
Besides these, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is another, superior energy of Mine, which comprises the living entities who are exploiting the resources of this material, inferior nature. All created beings have their source in these two natures. Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I am both the origin and the dissolution. O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread. Shrimad Bhagwad Gita 7.1-7
It can be one of two things depending on which tradition you come from: The experience of the reflection of God in your consciousness (I experience God but am also separate from God) The experience of what God experiences in her consciousness (There is no I, so God and “not-I” is, in fact, the same). Both of them require that you have a concept of God. If you don’t you just experience consciousness empty of everything and may not even think that much about it. God = Matter + Energy + Intelligence (Information). being aware of this truth can be termed God Consciousness.
God created universe and the earth, but he does not rule on earth. Humans and Nature rule on earth, to have a choice, to create a harmonious, balanced thought, what is a positive thought or a negative thought, to create a disharmonious and unbalanced thought. Now you know when you feel in unbalance, you have caused a disharmonious thought in yourself. You know which thoughts humans prefer. What I said before we live in a dimension that is based on cause and consequence. When humans formulate more negative thoughts than positive thoughts, you cause unbalance and this will result in the consequence of unbalance in themselves, unbalance with others and unbalance in the world. It all makes sense.
God created the world in perfect order and balance, Nature as awareness of Earth creates in perfect order and balance. The humans, don’t create in order and balance on this moment. They do not complete Gods work, in contrary, they destroy the creation of God, what we call earth. Soon the unbalanced world will be restored to a balanced world, in which people will learn how to create in balance and harmony too. To create together with God and Nature a perfect world, in the Age of Harmony.
What is Gods consciousness? The world is an immaterial dimension, and we live as humans in an apparently material dimension, where energy is expressed into form. When you want to understand this, read my answers, where I have many times explained and proven this to be true. The immaterial dimension is a dimension where you have energy completely filling this dimension, without space. See it like a big dark energy cloud.
In the outer rings of this cloud, you have energy that stands still and has no intelligence in this energy. Slowly energy starts to move and forms unbalanced, chaotic movements, all in disharmony. They collide, and here intelligence nor consciousness can exist. How more you go into the cloud how more energy starts to form more harmonious ways to flow. By more harmonious ways of flowing the density of this energy increases. How more you go to the core of this infinite cloud, how higher the energy vibrates energetically and how denser this energy becomes. In the core you have the highest energy vibrating possible and harmony and balance is so arranged, that it becomes a dense conscious energetic being that is aware of itself.
How further you go from the core, how lower the vibrational energy moves, and how less intelligence there is. Even at the ends the energy does not move at all. The core is the consciousness and awareness of God. The complete immaterial dimension is the esoteric body of God and the complete intelligence of this immaterial dimension is the consciousness of God. Heaven is a ring around the core, in which only intelligent angelic beings can exist. Only by doing repentance by work, you can bring your awareness you have created in a human life, in line with your angelic higher self, and you restore your split Soul as One Soul. Only then your Soul is vibrating energetically on that high frequency that it can enters Heaven again. Read more about this in my answers, to understand this step by step.
God moves and molds energy in all different kind of energy patterns, that realizes form to energy. In the end God split its consciousness, and again and again, what was the foundation of all existing awareness's, which we call of a human Soul. Literally you can say, God is the oldest conscious Soul, and we are all children of the Soul God, or also called as children of Light or children of Source. What ever name you prefer. A name is just a form and does not really exist in the immaterial dimension.
The consciousness of God is perfected harmony of energy flowing and creating by molding energy patterns with thoughts. That creates the unconditional love and unbelievable kind character of God. Still we as angelic Souls have all the ability to create also in perfect order and harmony, which we do. God created a part of the consciousness into a space, in which by cause and consequence repeating in many cycles he gave form to thoughts. This because our world, the apparently material dimension for the Souls and other awareness'es to experience a solid consistent reality.
Still we as angelic Souls have all the ability to create also in perfect order and harmony, which we do. God created a part of the consciousness into a space, in which by cause and consequence repeating in many cycles he gave form to thoughts. This because our world, the apparently material dimension for the Souls and other awareness to experience a solid consistent reality. God created the reincarnation process, to enable awareness's and Souls to be part of Gods created world. This world is like a dream of God. The human vessels are created by cause and consequence and by the reincarnation process, Souls can project their consciousness from the in-between dimension into the dream of God. To become a human in a human life to experience the school for Souls.
Over the awareness of the Souls is like a filter the created senses, to bring the frequency of the Souls down to a lower frequency state, as low as the apparently material dimension is vibrating too. These senses makes it possible to hear, see, taste, smell and feel, what all makes this dream into a reality. A reality that feels and looks so real, that the Souls even think they are a human in life. Cheers!