God's Will
GOD’S Will is his plan for each of us. This plan is like a precision movement of a priceless timepiece. Each gear meshed properly with the other as they rotate. A plan in flux due to our Free Will and choices we make. A plan that adjusts its movement according to our choices which accommodate the motion of each of our independence.
When God created each of us at conception, he did it through his Holy Spirit in concert with our parents. Our parents provided their DNA and their Love. God provided our Soul and his Love.
When you look at any infant, you see the purity of their Soul. You view the quality they possess before that quality is influenced and tainted by exposure to the world.
God made us to be the best we can be. He made us to Love and share our talents and gifts with one another. He made us to live, experience, laugh, enjoy and learn from one another. His WILL is his plan for us. A plan that will return us to him with Love and Victory over evil.
Today we face evil in our world. We can dismiss this fact or we can combat it with Love, Love for ourselves, our families, our friends and neighbors.
As we live and grow older, we experience disappointments and obstacles. These disappointments and obstacles are speed bumps that are placed before us to distract us from our destiny.
Prayer is much like a power cord connecting us to God’s Light which is the ultimate power. When we stop praying or honoring God as our source of power, we pull the plug and are on our own power which is limited as is a rechargeable battery. When we are on our own away from God’s connection, our strength and endurance give out and we cannot achieve the victory which is our true destiny.
No man is an island! Islands are surrounded by fluid sea and are cut off from direct contact with civilization. Civilization was designed to be civil and in harmony. Harmony is order. Order comes from God and God alone. We will lack order in our lives, our families, our community and our world if we ignore God. This is witnessed throughout the history of mankind.