God's 11th Commandment
Everybody has their own opinion on what the 11th Commandment should be! Love, Faith and even being Hassle Free have been pandered about. But Here's Is Gods 11th Commandment as it should really be.
"Thou shall not breed like Rats in a Cheese Factory, unfettered and eating and evacuating their bowel movements where they also eat and fornicate. Humans have overpopulated the Earth and polluted it so much that we are no different that Beasts in the Jungle.
God our Father an Astronaut King who never once claimed to be the Creator of the Infinite Universe. Instead men hardened their hearts, minds, fears & fantasies to creationism. So He allowed us to call Him God. It was just easier than trying to explain to a species that is obviously not much different than any other animal. He will not allow us much longer to live like the movie King Rat starring George Segal. His Armageddon is Coming and when it's over the human population on Earth will be a very tiny fraction of what it is now. Sure! He wanted us to be fruitful and multiply, but He didn't want us to overpopulate.
He is here on Earth now. Every time you see an UFO you are seeing God. "Man was created in the likeness and image of God our Father." That is, alien spacecraft have humans just like us. They don't land their spaceships and interact with us because Jehovah Elohim their King has ordered them not to use Earth's human subspecies for sex and other sins. Satan has been using Earth humans for many sins and even eat our Quantum Consciousness or Soul.
"Many are called and few are chosen, wide are the gates to death and destruction and narrow is the path to eternal life." Not all Earth humans will be saved, and it's because God our Eternal Father is not really the creator of the Infinite Universe. He is Millions of Years more evolved than us, and has the power to give life everlasting to some. AND JESUS CHRIST REALLY IS HIS EARTH HUMAN SON!!!!