The Godhead Halo
Rodney Josephson
Author, Publisher, Lyricist, Poet, Singer, Comedian, Business Start-Ups, Skilled Leader, Marketer and Promoter, Motivational Speaker and Master Trainer.
As you read this message you will begin to realize the energies and vibrations that you and others emit continuously, permeating the area in which you dwell.
When you begin to harness and understand the God particle (all energies and elements of them as being one with/in them), then you begin to embody those powers and emulate them, or radiate them, to everyone and everything around you. Be it positive or negative those energies are surrounding you and are being absorbed by others and likewise the others nearby emit their?own?energies. But when you are finally awakened to the fact you are The Absolute One with the universe, you can harness your energy, thoughts, imagination, and your surroundings and emit energies that reflect your truth, and everyone around feels it or sees it, especially children who motion a circular movement around your body or head. Adults have less ability to see the energies, but they surely can feel them.
As you can see from the different pictures the Godheads are in basically all cultures and religions, showing the same principles of the absolute one who has harnessed universal wisdom and powers, the righteous one, the good one. And everyone shall be the Godhead or is already without knowing.
When you finally accept these truths, then you are on the way to making paradise on earth, where everyone and everything conforms to your imagination of goodness, happiness, love, and prosperity for all. You are the conductor leading the grand symphony orchestra on the final stage of the journey of life: that is you will take the lead role and the audience will applaud you for being as you are, whole, perfect, and complete.
Praise the Lord, thank everyone, and love everyone, amen.