Goddess Durga/Kali- Sacred Warrior
Staci Weller
CEO-Shakti Tribe Meditation, Life/Relationship Coach, Speaker, 5D Leader & Teacher
It is time to get Real and tell the truth about Feminism aka. "Gender Equality"
THE OLD "FEMINIST STORY"-The Sacred Feminine has been begging the power of the Masculine to Liberate us, the existing power structures have chosen not to take action on our behalf. Continuing this strategy FEEDS Victim Consciousness that creates more division Durga/Kali/aka Mother Earth CLAIMS the BALANCE of power for the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine within Everyone! OK, Things are gonna get weird, but this is Yoga y'all, so who are we gonna call? Durga/Kali!
KALI IS THE FEMINIST ICON WHO LEADS US INTO THE NEW STORY-FEMINST POWER! and is a fiercely loving mother who reminds us to -CUT the crap! Feminist Power Yoga is about humanity showing up, speaking up, holding safe space and PROTECTING women and girls in this world. NOW IS THE TIME FOR WOMEN TO RISE: We are loving our highest Self, trusting our bodies, and taking skillful action from our inner Wisdom. The Frequency is Feminist POWER, as reflected by the Soul Warrior Goddess: Kali Ma
I teach Feminist POWER yoga, or Shakti Tantra Yoga. This is a means of using self-observation to move out of a Dominator Consciousness, and into Partnership Consciousness. Wo/men are here to move out of fear, and RISE into frequencies of higher vibe passion, purpose, and partnership with the sacred masculine.
We are all being called to BE our own best partner, by letting go of all limitations, and showing up in the present moment with an open heart.
The essence of Durga/Kali suggests:
*All the Wisdom, and Abundance is already within you
*The path to true magnetism is a journey of letting go of limited programming, negative perceptions, and false identities. (This requires extreme Self Compassion)
*Tuning into and balancing your body's Quantum or "Shakti" energy (the 7 chakras or Wisdom Centers) is your most powerful attraction tool
*Developing a sacred partnership with your authentic Self, is what lifelong Romance is all about
*Stepping into your power, and committing to your intention sets your vision into motion.
*Committing to a daily Self Care practice allows you to clear your channel to live a life about consciously creating higher levels of pleasure, purpose and partnership.
Are you ready to be courageous enough to face your shadow, and our collective human shadow?
Are you ready to manifest high vibe pleasure, purpose & partnership?
Shakti Tribe CLAIMS this time for awakening women to vision, cut away the energy that does not serve, and co-create higher vibe passion, purpose, and partnerships.
We are one family, and children of Mother Earth/aka.?
#feministpower #feministleadership For more visit: https://www.staciweller.org