In God We Trust
All three of us have ivory skin Is this how I should begin? You had big brown eyes that ran in your family Your skin was darker and you never got sun burned.
Your brother's six children all had those eyes When you saw that ours were so light Did that cause you to wonder why, and think that wasn't right?
In Science class our teacher said that brown eyes are dominant That at least one of us should have had your eyes That was a fact that I adamantly denied Was this something I just did not want to realize?
You looked at us sometimes like we were strangers Was that because you were afraid That you were not our dad? We had no connection You went in another direction Especially when mom gave birth to a son You went through hell People were always saying to you " he looks nothing like you, Bill."
You played golf and fished with him together Things where others didn't see you with each other Would it have hurt you to have at least tried Science is not always wise.
My brother was left without a guide You were never around You should have been proud That word in our household seemed not allowed None of us ever really got to know you; Just because you thought none of us looked like you?
Why did you hold that against us? It is in God we trust In this case we must; The reality might be too much.
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