The God of War – The Mars Aspect

The God of War – The Mars Aspect

The God War – The Mars Aspect

Both in Ancient Greek Mythology as well as in Indian mythology and astrology the planet Mars has been referred to God of War, Commander in chief, the warrior.

The warrior Mars is presently placed in Fiery sign of Aries, (Ares-Greek god of War) the warrior Mars's own house and Mercury, the planet of communication and intelligence, is debilitated in Pisces and will soon retrograde from March 5 to March 28th and stay debilitated till 3rd May.

Any significance to the current imbroglio between India and Pakistan?

Now, let us infer and derive insight from Astrological angle.

Mars is currently occupying fiery sign Aries brings a lot of signification related to the war planet Mars and its significator sign Aries, Aries signifies Fire, the head, the anger, passion, impulse, temper tantrums, ‘'dare if you fight me.' Now the Planet of War, ego, energy, determination and military action sits in such fiery disposition will auger such impulsive wars.

Furthermore, the planet of intelligence and communication is also weakly placed in Pisces which is its debilitation sign. Besides, Mercury is going to retrograde from March 5 till March 28th. Usually, Mercury retrograde in imaginary sign Pisces shows confusion, and miscommunication through media, misrepresentation and dramatisation of facts, the wrong assumption, errors in paying attention to details. As a result, dangerous consequences, errors in transportation are also denoted in this phase of mercury retrograde.

Some more exciting insights one can derive from the current planetary position is Mars also has a 4th aspect on Rahu (North Node) which is currently posited in inimical sign Cancer, the sign of Moon. However, on the positive side Rahu is presently travelling in punarvasu nakshatra, whose lord is Jupiter, so the scope for wisdom to prevail exists. However, Jupiter also suffers the 8th aspect of Mars from the current position, which is currently placed in 8th sign Scorpio whose lord is again Mars. The Jupiter in 8th Scorpio can expand deep mystery, unexpected results, fighting in unknown territory, or passive aggression, stubborn positioning and often hitting with a venomous bite as its wisdom.

Another significant and interesting transit of Rahu and Ketu (North and South nodes) to Gemini and Sagittarius respectively on 7th March considered by some exaltation sign or a sign where Rahu and Ketu provide best results. This transit happens once in 18 years.

During the next two months a lot of new transits. In May 2019 when Mars joins Rahu in Gemini, it receives direct aspect of both Saturn and Ketu from another Fire sign Sagittarius and also aspecting the same. One can expect a lot of verbal wars, intellectual and psychological wars both in media and communication as Rahu sits in intellectual and duality sign of Gemini whose lord is mercury. Hopefully witty mercury able to convince intense Mars as they interchange their house at some point during that time.

This transit also throws up a lot of complexity as Ketu (South Node) conjuncts with Saturn and aspects Rahu. As Ketu also represents fire and placed in a fire sign, Sagittarius can fuel conjunct airy Planet Rahu and fiery Planet Mars situated in Airy and dual sign Gemini. From the astrological point of view, it's four malefic planets aspecting each other. One can expect intelligent and wise strategic communication from all sides with a lot of witty, intellectual and spiritual arguments.

In conclusion, what one can foresee from such planetary combination is recognition and need for a deeper understanding of a highly complex scenario. It is neither about preaching peace, nor it is about all-out war based on some pride to avenge. Heavy calculation and wisdom required to avoid adverse consequences.

Finally, It is interesting to see when Mercury goes through its second retrograde during July in Leo; it generally affects kings and rulers.

Note: My interest and curiosity in exploring Astrology and Indian mythological studies as well as other exotic studies are more to do with deriving some meaningful insights to a modern context, is more on a psychological level than a superstitious belief in mundane predictive astrology. These insights are purely based on some astrological intuition and effects of characteristical permutation and combination as well as methods and delineation techniques used in Astrology. I take no authority or claim on my insights to be perfect. I always consider myself a student, and I seek more learning and understanding. I pursue more on further research to validate my findings. Since I am practising writing, these are expressions of my thoughts.

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