?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? By: Tito D. Sapetin, Wi. U???????????????????????


·???????? 1,451st Code of Writing

·???????? 263 Books

·???????? 1,188th Article

·???????? Over 20 million WORD OF WISDOM already delivered

·???????? Documents Website: https://www. portfolium.com.au/tsapetin


Harvard Research:


To be continued studies of “Master, Doctoral (Philosophy and Education) programs and highest level of interpretation about Creations, Religions, National, Regional, Global and Universal Leaderships, please search 5+ Harvard websites on google. https://www.sapetin @ Harvard or sapetin@harvard



Topics to be solved:


1.????? Democratic System of Government headed by VATICAN and UNITED NATIONS and AMERICA


2.????? Communism of China and Russia headed by CHINA and RUSSIA


This is 1,451st Code of Writing and 1,188th Article. Sharing this article aiming the entire human race to understand between God and Human Powers respectively.



Two Divisions of Power on Earth


The HUMAN RACE is divided into two categories of Peoples and NATIONS covering of two SYSTEMS OF LEADERSHIPS; and the power will be established through ELECTORAL processes, as follows;


1.???? Democratic System of Government: This is part of God’s Kingdom on earth through JESUS-CHRIST, a Covenant planted in the HEARTS and MINDS of every Baptized Person called to as UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST or CATHOLIC CHURCH (Hebrews 10:16, Mathew 16:16-20, Mathew 28:18-20, Romans 1:4-8, Revelation, Revelation 2:26-29, 5;9-10, Revelation 12:1-14 and John 6:51-60). FURTHERMORE, the Democratic System of Government is virtually part of the three divisions of authority of God on earth, as follows;



i)?????????????????? Judiciary Power: This is the mission of the VATICAN CITY to baptize all Peoples and Nations (Body of Great EAGLE mentioned in Revelation 12:1-14 and Mathew 28;18-20); and to teach and preach them based on God’s rules of Law and his eternal Love. Family Law is highest mandate of God to VATICAN which is the foundation of the power of NATION. In the time of battle between COMMUNISM and DEMOCRACY, the VATICAN Power must be shared to UNIED NATIONS and AMERICA were in charge of LEGISLATIVE and EXECUTIVE Powers respectively.



ii)??????????????? Legislative Power: This is UNITED NATIONS with same major mandate of VATICAN as CHARITY INSTITUTION. Based on DOGMA OF UNIVERSAL LAW, the UN is in charge of legislating LAWS to be part of all NATIONS direction and its justice. In battle of Powers on earth, the UN is RIGHT WING of the great EAGLE, and protecting the UNIVERSAL BODY under motherhood and Queenhood of Virgin Mary (John 19:26-27, Revelation 12:14 and Revelation 12:1-5)



iii)???????????? Executive Power: This is ultimate mandate of AMERICA under its virtual mission as LEFT WING of the great EAGLE (Revelation 12:14). A vital mission of AMERICA is as protector of the PEOPLES and NATIONS while facing crisis under COMMUNISM headed by CHINA and RUSSIA with their allies. The FREEDOM of Religion, NATION, Speech and NAVIGATION is highest level of American mission. The AMERICA is in charge of battle against COMMUNISM on earth. America and its allies (European Nations, Japan, Canada, Australia and some of the Pacific Nations) should stop the satanic characters and level of minds of CHINA and RUSSIA. It means that successful mission of AMERICA and its allies benefiting the third World Nations as a whole.



iv)????????????? The PHILIPPINES: This is a chosen NATION in ASIA region as Catholic. But the chosen Nation in Asia region sound as favorite of CHINA to be changed its identity from DEMOCRATIC power to COMMUNSIM. This Nation is part of God’s revelation his power and WISDOM mentioned in the ORAL TORAH (See, Prophet Isaiah). In fact, the birth of TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES to interpret the beginning of CREATION is proof of God’s presence in this country. This is the reason why the center of crisis between DEMOCRACY and COMMUNISM (America vs China) starting in the PHILLIPINES. See, below;



a)???? On 1951, America and Philippines signed a covenant to be protected each other in time of war


b)??? On 2016, United Nations decisioned favored the Philippines vs China in WEST PHILLIPOINE SEA (UNCLOS)



2.??? The Communism


c)???? On 2016, Rodrigo Roa Duterte was elected by uneducated Filipino voters as President of the Republic of the Philippines. In his term as head state, everything has been changed as follows;


1.???? Fake Drugs War: By his authority, there are 30,000 more or less sacrificed without justice


2.???? Established Domestic Communism: He is a kind of leader with one man rule; and he visited 4 times in CHINA and 2 times in RUSSIA as allied of XI and PUTIN respectively. See, below;



Source: ABS CBN



BEIJING, Oct 20 2016 (Reuters) - As President Rodrigo Duterte announced his "separation" from the United States and sought to strengthen ties with China, he said he will also talk to Russia's Vladimir Putin.


"I've realigned myself in your [China] ideological flow and maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to (President Vladimir) Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world - China, Philippines and Russia. It's the only way," he said.




Anti-Christ Actions of Duterte



? Allowed Communist China’s activities in West Philippine Sea


? Allowed China’s Pogo in the Philippines (secret method of Communism in the Philippines)


? Mastermind of drugs war and killed estimated 27k to 30k suspected drugs users in exchanged of protection of the drug Lords


? Illegal transferred of billions of National Budgets


? Secret killings of Church servants as well as political rivals


? Unlimited loans both domestic and foreign lenders


? Disrespected Family and Women’s Dignity


? Established his own policy


? Shut down of giant television in the Philippines (ABS CBN) in favored his friend American most wanted Pastor Apollo Quiboloy


? Bully of Catholic Church


? Other







Under Rodrigo Duterte leaderships (2016-2022), he and his people were gradually lambasted the COMMISION ON HUMAN RIGHTS after and tried to abolish the institution. ?And today under Ferdinand Marcos Jr. leaderships, Duterte and his allies using HUMAN RIGHTS as weapon after massive investigations of the Legislators regarding the 30k victims, entered of POGOS as caused of massive torturing and killings in the Philippines, investigation of the world no.1 criminal Duterte’s partner Pastor Appolo C. Quiboloy et al. The whole Nation can’t be forgotten their evil history and hoping that President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. will be established and practiced his power to give justice of the peoples after Duterte’s fake DRUGS WAR, massive corruptions and Quiboloy’s victims of sexual or young women’s trafficking, etc..



GENUINE SACRIFICE is giving “TIME, STRENGHTS, WEALTH, POWER, KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM” to the poor, Country and World. You can’t claim, “I have sacrificed for my Neighbors, Country and World” after received payment, which is part of your compensation or salary being worker. You are SERVANT of God or People after voluntarily given your life as exactly Jesus-Christ footsteps. You are a GENIUS person in this temporary World, if you know the boundary between SERVANT and WORKER.



OVERALL, my mission in life is to protect, promote goodness of SPORTS for entertainer, RELIGION for Family foundation and Global alliances of NATIONS with good Leaderships. Otherwise, any attempt or promotion, endorsement of erroneous idea, maneuvering of results of competitions, story and election should be condemned.








God Bless the World


Tito D. Sapetin, Wi. U


·???????? Tito Sapetin: Personal Account: (https://www.facebook.com/tsapetin/)

·???????? Founding Author: TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES (https://www.facebook.com/titosapetin/)

·???????? Contributing Author: UN Global Compact (https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/tito-sapetin-176ba4101/?originalSubdomain=ph)

·???????? Harvard Websites: https://www.sapetin@harvard or sapetin@harvard

·???????? Harvard Records: records.edx.org/e4ae86a9fad84ed29529ef7725357ef4

·???????? Documents Website: https://www. portfolium.com.au/tsapetin


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