God uses problems to move us forward
David said “It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn your statutes.”(Ps 110:71)When life falls apart, how do you cope? We face circumstances that challenge our peace—& some of these situations are very painful and prolonged. Unless we have purposeful focus, joy fades and hope seems unattainable. David experienced extreme hardships, including the profound grief of losing a child and a best friend. This pursued him in an attempt to take his life. Later, David’s own son led a rebellion against him. As drastic as these trials are, they were just few of the many difficulties he endured. Yet even in times of deep suffering, David found hope and peace in God. He knew how to meditate and focused his mind and spirit on God—His character, ways, will and Word—in order to know the Lord better and to obey Him. Hence a problem will remove everything in our life that is not founded by God; it does not come to destroy but to correct and purify. Every great man and woman of God faced with problems. It pulls the creativity out of you. You cannot stop it, just like you cannot stop a cyclone, but you can control your perception of it. Embrace it! The only proof that you are a citizen of Heaven is how you respond to adverse situation.
artist, worker, self, trees.
2 年Knowing nothing is far from wisdom. Knowledge (knowing) that's wisdom.