{God Talking} "I am GOD. It is NOT Helene nor Milton that Causes the Water, the Wind, and the Sea to Bring on Storms" — The Question is, Why?
Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., D.D.
Arthur L. Hunt, Jr., D.D.
CEO/Founder The College of Aspiring Artists | Edutainment | Biblical Rights
Yes, Why and What Do We Do? When We See Our Brothers and Sisters in Distress, What is Our Call to Action? What is the Lesson God Wants Us to Learn and Will We Pass the Test?
(AMERICA 2024) Do we believe in the Bible? Do we believe in the God of the Bible?
Since the day of Noah, we who do believe in the God of the Bible know clearly that it is God's earth, wind, water, and fire that His Sovereignty has power and complete control over.
But why does He have to use these measures to get us to come to our senses? He's taking the lives of those He created. He is destroying land that belongs to Him. He is wreaking havoc in His economy to see how humanity will respond. But how often do we wait for moments like this to transpire before we come together with acts of love and kindness in a neighborly way?
Why does God have to do this? And when will we learn? No, not just doing elections but every day from small towns in the USA to the nation as a whole, as a country, as humans who should know by now that we are better together.
Now, what do we do? How do we return to true agape and true love for one another? How can we see God in our leadership? Who is best to point us back to God in these turbulent times?
Why? Because we have left our 'first love'. Has money and power become our God?
America says it often, and so do many municipalities... we have no money to help the underprivileged, the poor, the less fortunate. And then God shows up with His, wind, water, fire, etc., and bam, out of nowhere comes help.
No, not all at once like it could, but by the time we see how to gain some notoriety, here comes the photo ops, microphones, and the so-called important ones, wanting to make a name, uplift their brand, and at the end we are back to the beginning of pomp and stance.
It will take REPENTANCE. It will take being CLEANSED.
Now straight to it. What if we as a nation could connect with the God of the Bible and read and pray the Word for a Cleansing by the Washing of the Word? John 1:7 states, "But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin".?
Add this one: Ephesians 5:26 So that He might sanctify the church, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word [of God].
These moments are equated with God testing His people. Will we pass or will we fail? When we humble ourselves and pray and seek His face, God promises to hear US(A), forgive US(A), and heal US(A) and our Land.
If you see this as a way to realign our values, morals and most of all, our love for God restored in this nation, join us for THE CLEANSE USA- GOD'S WAY: October 31-November 2, 2024.