God still talks to us
Too often I hear people voice the opinion that God has ceased speaking to people. This makes no sense at all. With the Holy Spirit inside us, and the gifts of the Spirit including wisdom, knowledge and prophecy, it seems obvious that God would still speak to us. It is more probable that we have no idea what He sounds like, or how to hear Him. Today's blog speaks to this topic and is written in the form of a poem.
You can read the original blog on Bybel Legkaart.
God still talks to us
Why would God not talk to me,
be less than He, as God, could be?
Did He not send His Holy Spirit
to stay, and not to merely visit?
With God alive inside this temple,
I’d imagine talking should be ample,
for is this not what He’s always done,
from creation right through to His Son?
If you examine the gifts of the Ghost,
you’ll find that talking occurs the most;
knowledge, wisdom and prophecy
are all meant for communication, you see.
When you love someone the way He does you,
you should not be surprised when they talk to you.
An original poem by Miekie (Marietjie Uys)
Marietjie Uys (Miekie) is a published author. You can buy my books here:
You can purchase Designs By Miekie 1 here.
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