Phillip P Fusco
Chief Marketing Officer / Servant Leader / Venture Developer / Enterprise Builder
May well you ask will God save the Liberal Party of Australia?
There are many across Australia (maybe even a silent majority) which believes that this once young and free nation, now reaching its rebellious adolescence phase. Only true hope of salvation to conserve its inherited freedoms, foster aspirational prosperity (for one and all), and become a beacon of sovereign hope once again; to a world which has been seduced and blinded by deceptive ideology, in a diminishing evolution of lower principles and questionable values - IS the Liberal Party of Australia. But for the present, it is not clear if the Liberals are first capable of saving themselves.
Gough Whitlam, Australia’s once colourful and entertaining ‘Labor’ Prime Minister (of the political Left persuasion). Was at his oratory best in the mid 70’s when he was (understandably) deeply concerned who was going to save the Governor General of Australia; for he had just been dramatically dismissed from office by him and replaced by Malcolm Fraser, the leader of the main opposition party, the ‘Liberals’. In Australia, the Liberals and Labor have been arch political enemies for over 75 years in the tradition of two party preferred democracies (like the Republicans and Democrats in America).
The Liberal Party of Australia was founded in 1944 as the nation’s mainstream political party of the political Right persuasion. A party formed out of unity of purpose, by desperately concerned individuals and community groups at the rise of socialist thinking at the end of World War 2, led by the God fearing visionary, and highly educated and principled Sir Robert Menzies.
Amongst the hurly burly of this unprecedented 1975 constitutional crisis in Australia’s relatively short sovereign history (commonly referred to today as The Dismissal). One thing did seem clear to Whitlam that day, as he stood on the steps outside parliament, that Australian’s believed in the cry “God save the Queen”, paraphrasing the famous words from England’s national anthem (and Australia’s at that time) for their then reigning sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II.
I am not sure if Whitlam himself was a God fearing man or not, but it was clear to me (as I watched on TV as a young boy) he certainly had the fear of God that day (hidden behind his commendable and courageous humour) against such deep political tentacles and legal nuances.
However, since this seismic political event that rocked the young Australian nation. I now ask the same rhetorical question again, but this time to the Liberal Party of Australia specifically, in the fading twilight of this once momentous nation building grassroots political movement – WILL GOD SAVE THE PARTY? Because history shows He certainly didn’t save the Governor General in ’75.
Before I share my thoughts and convictions on this important question I first must declare (to you the reader) my own personal conflicts of interest regarding this matter. I have been a long term member in the State of Victoria of this great centre right Liberal Party since my mid-twenties. During this time I have held numerous positions and offices serving where I can. From various local branch positions, delegate to electoral councils and state council, to various standing committee memberships, and most recently as chairman of the Victorian division’s Media and Communications Standing Committee. Plus, four time pre-selection delegate and one time endorsed candidate for the successful 2019 federal election.
I am also an experienced international marketer and c-suit executive having built many successful products, projects and places in Australia and around the world. And I have been a leading member of multiple large member based non-profit organisations, analysing their troubles, defining their value proposition, focusing on their correct purpose, and building their membership. It is the combination of all these reasons I feel compelled to share my perspective and approach to saving our party.
The road to salvation
Marketing as a management disciple has the tools and strategic mind set to analyse and turn around organisational problems, forge compelling brands, position attractive products (and services) to meet market needs, and discern ahead of the curve peoples wants (whether they know it yet or not).?
For old established organisations and large member based movements (like the Liberals) the keys to revival are almost always found in their history - the origins of why. That is, understanding the founder(s) observations, motivations, and guiding reasons why they started in the first place. Because over time (that’s multi-generations) it is only human to have mission drift.
It is therefore my belief the future success of the Liberal Party is found first in understanding the origin and nature of its birth. Truly understand the timeless universal social and economic concerns that lurked then, and will always, if not checked by each new generation. Raise up people who can better advocate the different political philosophies to tackle these concerns, and, can professionally communicate with passionate conviction the self-evident principles history has already shown civilisation, that will guide us all to a better, more abundant and prosperous outcome.
Such education and communication must take place continuously from generation to generation, new member to new member. And certainly evangelised between elections, and courageously defended at election times. For any political philosophy is a long term proposition, not a 4-6 week sprint reacting to narrow proposition polling. It is a grueling tenacious journey that must be guided by the Party elders and governed by either qualified or gifted Party leadership – not just the politicians who have a short term life expectancy, and can be persuaded by the fog of bureaucracy and the pressure of public life.
It is here the road starts, where our long journey must begin. For the tide of Australia’s success is going out, Australian’s are caught in a social and technological current that is building to an economic rip that will lead them out to sea lost and adrift, unless there is a lighthouse to show them the way home.
The Liberals where the original ‘keepers of the flame’, that made the Australian lighthouse strong, but since Menzies retirement from the 1970s onwards mission drift has crept in. The Liberals are now a house divided. They are no longer sustainable as a ‘broad church’ for there has been a ‘progressive’ reform movement to the ‘left’ undermining their political philosophy and point of difference for decades.
It’s time all Liberal members either get truly baptised and born again to what the Australian Liberal coming was all about, or find a new church more to their own religion. But you cannot keep sitting on the back row heckling or falling asleep; for the twilight of our luck is upon us so we must move now.
So what is this unique Australian Liberal movement all about? - Let’s begin.
Words have meaning
The word ‘liberal’ comes from the Latin word liberalis “of Freedom” or, more simply, Libel meaning “Free”. The term also pertains to progress or reform, in the sense of advocating for liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties; and, relates to representational forms of government, rather than hereditary aristocracies, oligarchies or dictatorships.
The political term ‘liberal’ first came into use in Spain around 1815. The term was used, to describe the citizen-led rebellious uprising against their anti-democratic monarch and constitution of the time. In the 1820s, the term ‘liberals’ came to be used more and more frequently in England and then across Europe as the 19th century unfolded; Liberalism was not the same everywhere, but at its core was a belief in free institutions as the means to progress.
As socialism came to the fore in the 20th century, liberalism became overshadowed. But in the new nations of America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, the enlightened ideals, values and institutions inherited from Britain, along with the hope, inspiration and empowerment of liberalism, meant the ideas found new life and purpose for the common good and common wealth of the people, to cherish and conserve.
The Liberal Party’s name
When founding ‘The Liberal Party of Australia’ in 1944, Robert Menzies chose the name “Liberal” because he did not want the new Party to be viewed as “conservative”, as was the traditional label given to “right-wing” parties (that being reactionary to change and progress). On the contrary, Menzies’ vision was anything but resistant to progress. He wanted Australia to advance.
A point of note: The term “right-wing” is also superficial, coined at the end of the French revolution, representing the established nobility seated on the ‘right side’ of the judicator. And the media has used the phrase as judicator ever since, pigeon holing where they see fit; only now, the language is getting wrongfully amplified to “far right” when the evidence is nothing of the sought.
Menzies’ concern and conviction was to champion the mainstream forgotten people, the so-called middle or working classes who represented the heart and spirit of the young and growing Australian Nation. And, after all, Australia had no hereditary aristocracy to justify any reference to conservative. But, it had proudly inherited from the United Kingdom some of the best Judeo-Christian values, Western institutions and liberal democratic reforms in the world; these needed to be preserved and protected in our new Federation, particularly as “socialism” was beginning to over reach after the fear and insecurities of two World Wars.
Menzies knew Australians would understand the origins of this word and political movement, from both here and England. For the Liberal movement in England represented farmers, business entrepreneurs and workers, and the pioneering social reforms they achieved. He wanted this newly unified uniquely Australian ‘centre-right’ party to be received as the champion for all Australians who respected and cherished western values, democratic freedoms, individual rights, equal opportunity and human progress. As well as those who wanted to join this movement and play their part through initiative and enterprise, sharing in our economic endeavours and prosperity. Menzies wanted “Australian Liberalism” to not just be ideological, but practical. Empowering the individual with ownership, and thereby responsibility for their own progress and the Nation’s shared destiny.
Australia has since forged and shaped a unique liberal culture as being innovative, reformative, pragmatic, balanced and fair; as we work towards building a broad and mixed egalitarian society. Consequently, we have often been envied afar and seen as a role model and hope for other struggling countries in a competitive unfair world.
The Liberal Party’s logo
The Party’s existing logo was first developed in 1979 by Graham Morris, while working at the Federal Secretariat. Just prior to the 1980 federal election, the Australian flag was added in an attempt to thwart the ALP’s move to adopt the colours of red, white and blue from its traditional red and black.
The Liberal Logo design elements include:
All these design components, along with our name, are important elements of the Party’s identity and meaning that make up our strong Liberal Brand and image today. These elements should be respected, protected and promoted.
The Liberal Party’s brand
Brand Foundations: (Where we come from)
Brand Pillars:??????????? (What we stand for)
Brand Essence: (How we are perceived)
The Liberal Party’s core message (Why we exist and what we strive to provide)
We Stand For:
We Provide:
The Liberal Party’s mission (What’s our lifelong purpose)
It is my belief the purpose of the Party is to uphold and defend the enlightened ideals, values and institutions inherited from our movement’s origins, and history’s great progresses.
To achieve this we must tenaciously continue to educate and advocate to win hearts and minds first, and then government, to sustain enduring freedom, prosperity and security for everyone.
The Federal and State Divisions of the Liberal Party must only exist to support these objectives. Building greater support and promoting understanding of the ‘Liberal Way’ to achieve stable, effective and responsible government for all people, for all time.
It should be the duty of all Members to uphold the Party’s core values and meaning, it’s Constitution and Platforms; representing our Liberal ideals to the public, and to work for the election to Parliament of credible and capable candidates who can ably serve our various levels of government.
However, I have observed, the consensus at the end of every failed election review is we must embrace the regions more, attract the women’s vote more, connect more with the emerging generations, convert more new members, campaign better, elect candidates earlier, have more policies that appeal to the spirit of the times, and so on and so on. These are all good and well, and the media is full of this commentary. But they are simple tactical operational things to any experienced business person, which in the hands of the right qualified people can be managed – but will not win you elections, or guarantee a good government.
Sustained election success must be a movement. A movement of people on a mission who share a common conviction and shared vision; an overarching narrative or concern, a grand idea we are all moving towards or working to prevent. Then they will come, of all persuasion. Our policies will be our tools but our country will be our cathedral. And those that have another agenda, motive or belief will not follow. But that’s ok in an open free democracy. Even if it means losing existing members or a vote, because it will breed sincerity, integrity and electoral trust, and these qualities make for good governance (and politics). The onus for alternative views will be to convince and show that their idea is better. This is what politics is all about. The challenge of ideas to win hearts and minds and not for parties or governments to seduce, brainwash, bully or buy votes; for that is the beginning of the end of democracy and responsible government – a path that will only lead to anarchy, and then dictatorship next.
What I am about to say next will sound idealistic, but in its simplicity it is pure gold for those that have the mind to understand. The aim of a political party is not to just win government; this is only the means to implement your ideas and plans. No, the higher aim must always and should be – to build and sustain a better country to live in (to our fullest) and die in (at our best). Isn’t this why people should vote for you?
The Liberal’s mantra must be to “save the country” from the alternative and perverted “socialist capitalism” taking hold. A road that leads to collective poverty, slavery of thought and economic destruction!
We can’t let this happen!
As stated at the beginning of this discourse, I (and many others across Australia) believe the original Liberals represented the right philosophy, values and motives (as out lined here) to shine a better light on the path to Australia’s sovereign salvation.
Through mission drift the Liberals (and Australia) have lost their way. Oh yes, there have been good people with good intentions, but feeling good is not what it is all about – as already indicated and espoused by others “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.
No, it is about doing what’s right, even if nobody is doing it, even if it means losing elections. For what else is a philosophy for but to fight for what one believes? And what better political philosophy than that which has already proven and shown it is a better way.
It’s time we remember who the Liberals in Australia were and need to be now!
Will the real Liberal Party of Australia please stand up!
If they don’t they will disappear like the Liberals in England in the late 1800s, dissipating into other parties and movements that picked up the gauntlet of the times.
May well we pray this doesn’t happen in Australia – for our country needs you!
RETIRED from paid employment
1 年Thank you, Phillip, am I correct in thinking you were addressing those outside the Liberal Party? Those of us inside the Party have a range of agendas, some hidden, that are often conflicting and often not in harmony with Mr. Menzies ideals. Some are saying most voters these days have never heard of Menzies or the ideals of the original Party and so we must show leadership in relation to current issues, but I am finding it hard to find such positive, constructive, consistent leadership within the Party along those Judeo-Christian values unfortunately.... I do like your clarity of values that are still so relevant and important today.... Brand Foundations:?(Where we come from) Brand Pillars:?(What we stand for) Brand Essence:?(How we are perceived) The Liberal Party’s core message?(Why we exist and what we strive to provide) What we Stand For and What we can Provide. God bless you Phillip in your energies to further assist the Liberal Party!
Director of Brand & Marketing - Building world class brands with innovative & integrated marketing solutions| Brand | ESG | Customer Focused.
1 年Phillip P Fusco - this is a well thought piece. I am going to be bold and outspoken here and say that it is time for you to take the plunge and get into politics in a more leadership role. You truly care for this wonderful country. It's time! You have my vote.
Leadership and Strategy
1 年Very well written mate