Sai Kishore Gudiboina
Data Engineer at KPI Partners || "Physics and Maths Scholar"
Hi all,
This is the article on GOD from my point of view.
according to others, GOD is responsible for every physical, emotional & intellectual, etc activity as per their definition.
Moreover, because of the blind belief in people, they don't question and if anybody does, they get rattled.
Blind belief is the major reason for the survival of all spiritual cults and moments.
Hence, I believe that there is no motive and objective in the primary definition of GOD.
I know that because of GOD, you will get an order in society, a regulation and to suppress feudal society but advancement in culturally or traditionally in every which way, non-dependency on GOD societies have gone much more forward.
What are some of the questions that you should ask?
1. who is GOD?
2. what does he do?
3. assume GOD created us, then as a human what we had to do, and what is the necessity of creating us?
4. does he care about all of us?
5. how do you know he cares for us?
6. why do you believe that GOD has supernatural powers?
7. will GOD punish you if you don't believe or for wrong things? if he punishes, what type of punishment?
8. have you thought of why GOD created other species along with humans?
9. why do we see injustice in people who are great believers of GOD?
10. If you know that you don't have any use with GOD, will you still believe?
11. will there be an effect in your lives, if you pray for GOD?
12. can you face GOD?? is it fear or happiness??
13. IF GOD asks you to wish, will you ask about yourself or others?
14. if you wish to ask about yourself, Then why GOD is fulfilling your desire for a selfish person??
15. How can you see the change if GOD is responsible for all the change happening?
All these questions have to be sorted out before believing any supernatural powers.
I feel that if GOD really exists, he doesn't care about us. It's better to develop our own thought process than a blind belief.
Finally, everything is there around me to enjoy, to experience the pleasures of life. so, I think I don't have time to think about GOD.
I am not here to say, that you should believe GOD or not. My intention is to just ask questions about anything while you go for it.