God is Our Spiritual Mother as well as Spiritual Farther and Christians understand Jesus as their Human Brother as well as Child of God, which we all are too. As his human Mother was what The Christian Church since their beginning recognized Mary as born without sin, as was Jesus and both lived their lives without being tempted by sin, according to tradition of the Church. Not all the facts of Mary or Jesus life, were put into the Bible, for lack of space partly and intent of sacred scriptures but underneath the Basilica in Rome, where Peter is buried, as well as many of the Saints of The Church, is a huge library where many early books written in the 315 years before the Bible was written in Rome, under the watchful eyes of the Emperor Constantine, as he wanted to make it the State Religion, and the required religion of the Roman Empire and did and is still the only recognized religions in what is left of the Roman Empire in Italy, almost nothing left of it after World War I. and World War II, yet still a thriving European Nation, primarily due to it's ever lasting tourism and has much to show in in many beautiful cities of Italy, especially Rome!
As usual I tend to distress, but this kind of history has been my life work for past 50 or so years, and I love my relationship with God and Writing, as I first came into a personal contact with God when I was only 5 years old, when I saw The Hand of God, it scared me so bad, it took me many years to understand, but I came from a loving Believing Christian family the oldest of four, and 16 cousins of a close extended family, still are from a county up in the hills of Tennessee. Most of us still living some in our old age now, as that was the same month Hitler took control of Germany to enter us into World War II. I was reluctant after that to get that close to God even after I was Baptized at 14 in the Methodist Church, well read in scriptures and realized being free in Christ, as long as you are good, I chose not get too close to God in friendship as afraid I might see something else like that most powerful Hand to scare me again. And God didn't try to force me but waiting for my need as my ignorance of the world would end up hurting me bad, soI had read in scriptures the whole book at least several times and knew best for me to do a Fleece as I had even begun to think maybe I just imagined seeing God's Hand, and in college there was so much intellectual skepticism about religion and rightfully so, in many not so Godly houses of religion, from the thousands of years of imbalance that inequality had created, as least a great part of the cause, and in our then, after the end of the World War II, easy going times of the 50's 60's.
Anyway I did a fleece that lasted almost 2 weeks of spiritual cleansing myself of all pretense and sinful, or hurtful actions my immaturity and ignorance has cost me, and asked for a Spiritual "Rebirth" Jesus mentions as necessary to understand spiritual truth! See John's Gospel, especially summed up in John3:3. It worked! As just at the end of a couple weeks I sat, with my children gone to their Grandparents with their Father, in an easy chair and said "Well I'm all prayed up guess there really isn't a God!"
Well, God came through the walls of my living room. Washed over Me and throughout the room, house.Never have felt or known such power or ever will. I heard very plainly and for the first time and pretty much the last, except when I was going to do something very foolish that would have taken my life. When God yelled at me not to.
But this time it was the word "EQUALITY", well we had been having about a year of heavy indoctrination in the news, and in Congress that anything that had to do with equality was evil and Communists as we were then and as we have remained at war primarily an economic war, that we have always kept ongoing, and winning for various reasons. So I wondered till I remembered that yes God was not a partial God, Loved everybody good and bad, just treated us like God's Children, sometimes chastising us for our own good, and usually getting blamed for what the devil or mean people do too, directly and indirectly.
So, back to Mother being a part of God, in my studies of religion and spirituality I learned that originally the Hebrew Word for Holy Spirit of God is a feminine word, actually is the same word as 'unseen wind; Spirt" it is actually both the feminine and masculine part because God in Spirit is One, but like male and female has the qualities within The One of both male and female, The first chapter of the Bible, Genesis tells us God created both male and female in the Image of God. vs. 27. Repeated in third Creation Story 5:1 The second Creation story was not added until about 500 BC, by King Abel 1, the husband of Jezebel. squeezed in at chapter 2 vs. 4 but has a different order of Creation than the original. Is actually a parable of a whole other meaning of their beliefs of 'might makes what is right'. That gets into good or evil power and etc. first mention of need of Messiah.
Oh one other thing thought of Jesus in the Aramaic, that was the people's language of his day, called God "ABBA" AB = Daddy, BA=Mom in Aramaic literally means "Heavenly Parent" but when selfish powerful men created the Patriarchal languages like our English, they put everything of power or importance in Masculine or male terms of He, HIs, Him, Father, limiting Mother to only a human Mary, and not to a male/only god. Many Theologians know better but some Pastors might not, Theologians when questioned like to back out by saying God has no gender! But still they will use the only the masculine names and pronouns, as the patriarchal translated language of the Bible does too.
But The Truth is gradually coming out, the cork was pulled when they let women vote, now if they can just make illegal contraceptives again, they will have us females back barefoot and pregnant again and them in total power again!
Peace, Joy with Blessings
Betty C Dudney M.T. (retired Medical Technologist).
PS Our whole worlds biggest worry right now is what the1% has done and patented our rice and corn seeds and changed the DNA so they are not only sterile but used carcinogen chemicals to try to cut the population for better control from billions to a few millions of work slaves! A Good time to have your own Spiritual "Rebirth". If you prefer heaven to hell!