God Money God Mission
By: Oren Kirk

God Money God Mission

"...Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" (John 10:34, KJV)

"Thou shall have no other gods before me." (1st of 10 Commandments)

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God never asked money what He can do for His children. So why do you? Dominion and rule were decrees given to us as benefactors (heirs of the most high). If you owned everything what would you buy? You wouldn't. That is why we were given decrees. Dominion and rule.

Dominion is a form of governance. A ruler is one who sole position is to protect the well being and interest of those in his charge. He is the sovereign. In the 1600s it was known as the Divine Right of Kings. Every decision made as a ruler is for the benefit, and betterment, of those in his care. "...Replenish the earth and subdue it: and have dominion [rule] over the fish of the sea, fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth on the earth." (Genesis 1:28, KJV) Replenish is to create. And business is designed to create wealth. It's sole function is to create the solution to a problem and fill that void.

A sovereign is appointed because of his character. His humility. and magnanimity, are traits prerequisite for the role. "The first duty of the sovereign, that of protecting the society from the violence and invasion of other independent societies, can be performed only by means of military force." (pg. 372, Adam Smith, "Wealth of Nations"). In ancient times a sovereign was called pharaoh, king, czar, or ceasar. Now we identify sovereigns as chairman, president, and CEO. And a ruler in this position must be selfless. They make decision for the hundreds of thousands in their care, and the millions that depend on them to feed their families, provide housing, and stability. The crown is a heavy weight. For decisions are made not how they affect the parts but how they impact the whole.

The sovereign does not only exist for citizens physiological needs. His duty is to guide those in his care how to live a principle centered life. Those who see and acknowledge his influence mirror and model his behavior. His diligence, disciple, and energetic spirit. "Primal Leadership" by the Harvard Business School, contrast the different styles of how people lead. They did a study and discovered when a sovereign is seen as joyful and laughs, just like a yawn, it becomes contagious and laughter spreads throughout his court.

My all time favorite business hero, Jack Welch, was a perfect example of this. In his book, "Winning" he talks about how GE had become a big bureaucratic organization full of cynicism, nepotism, and narcissism. And he decided that the entire international company needed to run with the heart, mind, and spirit of a small mom and pop company. So he laid out the plan. "You [GE CEO's] will be either number 1 or number 2 in your industry. And if you are not you have three options: fix it, sell it, or close it." And he instituted differentiation where the bottom 10% in performance every year were let go.

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He created forums (Work-Outs) where people on the frontlines could be heard. Open and honest dialogue without the manager. And in one case an appliance worker spoke for thousands and told Jack,"For twenty-five years, you paid for my hands when you could have had my brain as well--for nothing." (pg. 56, Jack Welch "Winning") As a sovereign this is your duty to your subjects. To hear, listen, and apply what your people are telling you.

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As a result the company grew. "Welch?became the chief executive of?GE in?1981, when the company's stock price struggled and its market capitalization hovered around $14 billion. When he retired two decades later, it stood at more than $410 billion." (GE Archives.) Jack was a good steward.

Are there any voids in God? Does God know lack? Of course not. So why are there voids in us? Why do we feel lack? It goes all the way back to the very beginning. The heavens and earth were created and were given to mankind to have dominion and rule.

There's a story about a builder and the master's home. The master was a very accomplished businessman and spoke with a builder about creating his home. He told the builder, "Here is the budget for the home and everything not spent is yours to keep. Here are the plans and let me know when you are finished." The builder perked up and said, "Will do!" After the master left he set out to build.

His goals was to use lowest grade and cheapest material possible to save money. He used the cheapest wood; cheap and old nails; second hand drywall; and the cheapest labor he could find and finished with slap-stick interior. When he was done he called the master and told him. The master came to the sight to and walked around the home. And he asked the builder, "Is it finished?" The builder replied, "Yes." The master pulled the key out his pocket and handed it to the builder and said, "Welcome home."

Excellence is the standard with God. And His mission is to develop those who will be wise with His wealth and good stewards of His resources. God gives you the resources you need at the time you need them. In the book, "How To Be Rich" by Andy Stanley he states, "Rich is not what you have. It's what you do with what you have." If at the end of the year you made $60K and God ask you, "Where did the money go?" What will you show Him? You paid a mortgage for you, a car note for you, you took your wife and your kids out to eat with you?

"A sovereign should never launch an army out of anger, a leader should never start a war out of wrath." -Sun Tzu (pg. 329, Robert Greene: 48 Laws of Power)

What did you do for others? God created the sun to give you life, the moon to give you light, and the trees to give air to you. This is the bar we are all being measured against. Now is the harvest for those who call themselves Sons of God. Ready your accounts.

I Am sovereign.


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