“As I lay awaken in my bed, around 3:30 AM., The Teacher came to me, and His voice did I surly, know; He, spoke of passions and of disciplines, He spoke while I listened, as I sat with Him, in my very own secret place in Him. You may remember my explaining my secret place and what I am able to see and acknowledge around me, while I am spiritually aware of where I am, because truly I have been gifted with sight and hearing and observation of the things of God. I too have asked myself why He gifted me in these abilities, and He has answered me in Spirit and in Truth, “It’s because of my own desires of learning and knowing and falling closer and deeper in love with Him, that is my passion, my entire life.”
“These are the words within the conversation, and learning and acknowledgements which last night and even still now, He pours of Himself, His Love and Knowledge with understanding, for others as well as for myself.”
“Man’s religions, and all of them are mans!”
“Teach ever so against My gifting and My Spirit living and being and moving within the hearts and the souls, of My children, those I call friend and son and daughter.”
“The passion comes to all, yet it has been left up to each where their own passions shall abide and grow and follow after.”
“It is not disciplines, alone, which I seek after for My own, while these shall come into those who desire and seek first after My kingdom and My righteousness, not above them, or around them, nor below them, but from within themselves, creating with Me, their very own surroundings of releasing Me above them, below them and all around themselves everywhere they are and at all times.”
“The very reason why so many speak against You, and Your Holy Spirit, because of their not knowing nor understanding, so instead of seeking and trying to acknowledge, from You, they listen to and follow after the ways of others, who truly know not You at all.”
“There are many gifts, and they are for all whosoever will, enter My courts with thanksgiving and joy in their hearts, who shall seek and ask and shall be answered and find, their own abilities I have gifted them with; these are laying at My Altar, before My thrown where I have invited all to boldly come; yet so many are held back right outside My Cross of Love for all, or enter through and stop right on the other side of My Mercy and Grace for all.”
“For truly not one can enter where I AM, unless they themselves, “On Purpose,” so desire after My Love, while working out their very own salvation, freely offered and freely given to them. Not one can live off of another’s passion after Me, yet all have I provided the same Foundation and Road, which is narrow yet accessible, to all, but only in and through their very own desire and their passions after Me.”
“On Purpose!” “Striving and seeking, searching out the very things of God.” “For those who seek You, surly, can find You, yet only can one find You, in Love, Love towards You, which gains love towards others.”
“Not as the world teaches, nor any man, no school and no college, no group of men and women, nor any other spiritual being, has been given what only You, possess, and truly “YOU” alone are “LOVE!” Freely given and freely offered to all. Yet it is our own individual hearts desires and passion after either “YOU” or after another.”
“There truly is no in-between, no standing on the line, no middle ground, there is only “YOU” who is “Your Own” Word. Offered and already freely given to all who shall……”
“Yes, “I AM LOVE!” and There is none other, for mans love all who love within it, look what they now call love.” “Love is not Love!” as man teaches, and speaks and presses by force against another, or others, no more than marriage is no longer a two coming together as one, which requires a man and a women….”
“Look what they have done to My Love, To Me, To My offering of True Love. “For God I Love.” “And I shall not be mocked, because Love truly never fails, nor does it ever depart, Love is for each, and Love never dies.”
“So many spend their entire human lives, praying towards Me, Towards Love, yet never truly ever finding Me, Because, they pray, speak and live after Me, and not as I have offered Myself a Living Sacrifice, that each may find Me, and pray with Me, My hearts desires.”
“Fullness of Joy, in everything and at all times, no matter what else, because truly when one finds Me, that they find and located for themselves, through their very own passion after Me, becoming as I AM, so are they in this world.”
“Here I AM, Come to Me and I shall give you rest, for I shall show you of things past, of things now, and of things even to come.”
“Yet, these can only be located and found within each one’s own passion, after Me, a joint relationship, a holy priesthood, a forgiveness forgotten – cast away, forever more – no longer even remembered and no records of sin at all, for those who diligently seek after Me. For I AM LOVE, and Love truly has already Conquered the world, and all that is within it, Every Victory has My Love, already won, and it truly is only within one’s own desire and passion after Me, “Love!” that one shall find Me and Locate Me, where I AM, and I am everywhere, even within those who know Me not, and those who desire to get Me out of themselves. Yet they know not what they ask, because without Me, they are not at all, nor ever truly were.”
“For I am Greater and Bigger than all else even all combine together, I AM LOVE, and I Seek after “YOU!”
“So, when one rejects Your Spirit, they reject You as well, because without Your Spirit, they could never truly find You, Because, “God is Spirit!” and “MUST” be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth.”
“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your “MOST” holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.” Jude 20
“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit.” Ephesians 6:18
“One who speaks in tongue edifies himself.” 1 Corinthians 14:4
“Finding Your Heart, The Love of God, because You are Love, locks us each into Your very Own Heart, Your very own Love.”
“Becoming co-laboring and Co-Laborers with You, With Love.”
“For “ALL” who would give themselves to carry My Presence with them at all times, in the very Wellness, of My Love.”
“Praying in Your Spirit, brings the very edification and personal strength, washing over us to bring great refreshing, for praying in Tongues, is not one of the least gifts, but the greatest of all gifts.”
“Let the people come, let them open the gifts of Your offering, Let all who seek after You, repent and come and join together with “YOU.” “With Love!”
“Let all seek and find and let the hearts of the father’s return towards their own son s, and the mothers to their own daughters, as the sons and the daughters returning through revival from within themselves, to their own parents in and through the very way of Your Truth, In Love.”
“Let Your Kingdom Come, Let Your will be done, on earth as it is in the heavens. Let True Love abide over all else, in the openness before all creation, in both the physical and in the Spiritual, where Love Abides, Where You are found and located, before, now and forevermore.”