With God I can do anything

With God I can do anything

It is proved that God can do everything that the human intellect cannot think and their proof is in the holy Vedas. There is a lot of evidence that God is the master of all the scriptures and the Vedas and by doing devotion to that eternal God we get all the happiness. * Evidence in the holy Vedas: In mantras 26 and 27 of the Rigveda mandal number 9 sukt 86 as well as in Mantras 1 and 2 of Rigveda Mandal No. 9 suit 82 and God, who has given us a form like himself and who created the world in 6 days, and rested on strength on the seventh day, what the eternal God cannot do. He can do everything.

But it is our misfortune that many fake religious leaders have told us the practices against the scriptures and we do not get the benefits and happiness that we should get by God. The result is that despite devotion man remains deprived of complete happiness and we do not have full faith in God. There is a proof in our various scriptures that God is the ocean of happiness and by following the knowledge in different situations, by giving philosophy, we take away all our miseries.

In the Holy Bible, Genesis chapter 11 verses 26 and 27 describe how God has made man his form and in 6 days the seventh day of creation is enthroned on his throne. What God cannot create, which God has created.

* By knowledge of Holy Bhagwad Gita In verse number 70 of Geeta chapter number 2 In verse 17 of Geeta chapter 15 and in verse 62 of Gita 18 chapter Mantra 16 to 20 of Rigveda mandal number 9 sukt 96 And there is evidence in many places that God comes from his Muktidham or Satlok and gets the knowledge of his beloved souls to enjoy life in the bliss of all their sufferings. It is proved that God can do everything that the human intellect cannot think and their proof is in the holy Vedas.

However, the problem is that people believe because they want to believe. They choose their belief over rationality. For instance. If there was a god (let's call him God), and he was infallible and omnipotent, why do atheists have good lives? Why do people who believe in other gods have good lives? Why do people who believe in this god have crappy lives?

Why do the many things that according to followers of this God are an abomination still happen? Why don't these people get punished, but why would this God send tornadoes to punish everyone, abominations and believers alike? Now, I know the way people reason. God has a plan. And he gave people free will because he want them to choose him freely. He wants them to choose good behavior on their own, not out of fear.

But those are reasons to explain the fact why there is no sign of his hand in anything. If -I-, an unbeliever, have a crappy life, it's to punish me for being an unbeliever. If I have a good life, it's to try to lure me away from believing. If a believer has a crappy life, he is being tested in his faith. If he has a good life, he's being rewarded.

Anyhow, any type of randomness can be explained. It doesn't matter if that makes God into a random-acting creature: this baby dies because God wanted him near, that baby lives because God wanted the baby to be near the parents. What sense does that make? If you would make up a God, wouldn't he work logically? And if he wouldn't work logically, wouldn't he be an imperfect god?

Here the main issue is, that anywhere believers see the hand of God, I see randomness. This baby dies because it's sick, that baby does not die because it is not sick. This house got hit by a tornado because it was in its way, that house did not get hit by a tornado because it was not in its way. Sometimes a wish comes true because it just happens, other times a wish does not come true because it just does not happen.

Randomness is a way better explanation for everything and anything that happens, because it takes away the silly reasoning needed for a God being behind it. I like the clear view it gives: shit happens. Sometimes to you, sometimes not. There is no will behind that whatsoever. Just the randomness of good or bad luck. It is commonly thought that deities can only do what is possible. They might even be further refined to only being able to do what is possible and that they will to do. This is one way to allow for a deity that can't do evil because it doesn't will to be evil.

And other deities can't do evil because, by definition, everything they do is not evil. They can torture babies for their own pleasure and this would be a good thing just because they are doing it. At least it's good when they do it. Your mileage may vary as a mortal. Some deities supposedly can do the impossible. At least Rene Descartes thought so. This is beyond what most theologians and philosophers claim about most deities.

We believe that a deity that can do the impossible can change logic, make 2+2=5 in all number systems, make light dark, create married bachelors, take itself out of existence and still exist. It's hard enough to conceive of a regular deity let alone one that can do the impossible. Also, there are stories about some deities that changed their minds from time-to-time so they must be able to do it if you believe the stories. Other deities know the future and have free will, not because they can do the impossible, but because we don't understand how deities operate. It's just beyond our minds. When you go down that road, deities can do anything. Cheers!


