God has Spoken - Let the Church Say Amen!
Have you ever heard of a mid-week church service? It was Friday, March 1, 2024, close to the weekend that I received a prophetic message of exhortation that was absolutely incredible!
My god son invited me to a prayer group through Zoom, but I was not able to hear what the prophet was saying. So, my son started texting me and said “Mum,” he is prophesying to you.”?
The man of God did not know that I was able to hear him. What the prophet was saying was amazing! I was responding to my son with “Yes!!!” “Really?” “Wow!” “Woah” “My God!!!” My son sent a photo of the young prophet and said he has a serious unction. Isaid, “I know that’s right!!!”
?Because I did not hear what the prophet was saying to me, my son called back and connected me with the prophet, and he spoke all that was texted to and more!
Brothers and sisters, I was blown away by the way the Holy Spirit was speaking through the young prophet. Everything he said was true and he even told me some things about the future. One word that he gave was confirming something I had had talked to the Lord about pertaining to my health and the ministry. I had not shared this with anyone.
I have been functioning in some gifts since the mid 1980’s and I have an understanding of the gifts, and my desire is for others to learn and understand what their gifts are and function in them effectively. Just as I was encouraged through the word spoken by the prophet, God wants all of His people to encourage each other with their abilities.
The prophet, my son and others have told me I was a prophetess- let’s make it plain and clear; many people do not understand the different aspects and graces of the prophetic office.?
My office prophetic call is to bring correction, to warn (mainly to leaders), which brings edification because the eyes of the people are open to what the demonic forces are doing against the church. I am an intercessor and God reveals situations and things about people to me through dreams. I am often misunderstood because some people don’t understand the office of a prophet/ess.
My Bible class is studying the book of Romans and the gifts are being taught; we will continue on to 1 Corinthians and learn more about other gifts as well as the five-fold ministry gifts in Ephesians 4:11.
Have you ever heard the saying “You don’t miss your water til your well runs dry? Well, my well was almost dry. But God sent someone along to fill it up. Hallelujah praises His name for using someone who did not know a thing about me to prophesy, exhort and encourage me.?
God spoke! Let the church say “Amen”
~ Betty A. Burnett ~ burnettministres.org