“He leads counsellors away?plundered, and makes fools of the judges.” - Job 12:17. When the JUDICIARY throw caution to the WIND and leave the POOR and VULNERABLE in society to suffer, God will PLUNDER them! The WORLD and all FOUNDATIONS are STRUCTURES are of TRUTH, and TRUTH is Christ Jesus, through whom all things were made; and there was nothing made that was not made through Him. For in the UNSEARCHABLE WISDOM of God, ALL things must LIVE through Christ and CONSIST in Him. That is why the FULLNESS of the Godhead dwells in Christ Jesus.
If the LEADERSHIP of the JUDICIARY is CORRUPT, the TENT of BRIBERY shall be DESTROYED! Nothing goes unpunished under the Sun. TRUTH cannot be SURPRESSED forever, for when it EXPLODES, the POWER of DYNAMITE shall shatter and scatter all CORRPT judges. JUDGES must REMEMBER that ACCOUNTABILITY await them. They are to set GOOD EXAMPLES and STANDARD for POSTERITY sake. What NATION are we BUILDING. Whatever is NOT of God will NOT STAND!
If the Attorney General and Justice Ministry are being DISGRACED at INTERNATIONAL COURT of LAW, then the CURRENT Leadership of JUDICIARY must BOW Heads in SHAME! If the Head of Judiciary is BLIND then all other FOLLOW suit. Oh, Ghana of old, when the JUDICIARY and JUSTICE SYSTEM was held in High Esteem, what has become of it today? ABYSMAL LEADERSHIP who try to use CULTURE of SILENCE to bulldoze way through - it will NOT STAND!
The LEADERSHIP of Attorney General and the JUDICIARY must be brought to book. All and sundry must demand ACCOUNTABILITY in the face of GROWING Judgment DEBTS. Arise Ghana Youth for your Country. Resist OPPRESSORS rule and make our NATION great and strong. Shalom.