God is Greater
Sarah C Vaughan ???????
L&D Expert | AI-led L&D | Digital Content Design | UX Writer | GDS Writer | WCAG, AAA l Ops Expert | L&D Strategy | Corporate Training | Product Coaching | MSc. Open, BSc (Hons) First Class.
When facing extreme darkness, danger, grief, uncertainty, or as some might say - Pure Evil. Where do we go? Who should we turn to? Where do we find solace? or a safe place from all those deadly sins??
I’m guessing you already know the answer but just in case… Cos it’s so easy to forget, in the chaos of this Season;?
God. Really. Is. Greater.?
Us, mere mortals cannot comprehend the ‘Grand Weavings’, (as I like to call them), of God’s plans. Nor can we fathom the whys/why nots of the miracles occurring all around us, every second, of every day.?
As a species. A dot, spec, or blip, compared to God’s grand scheme of things. We are meant to be orderly! Like scattered ants!! The illusion of control is the ultimate comfort zone.
Believing we can make, force, or cajole events into happening is simply another form of denial. Ask infertile couples. Ask a parent whose child has blood cancer. Ask a pensioner, lonely, and in need of support this Winter.?
We delulu (another new fave!) ourselves into assuming a level of autonomy, power, agency even, in our day to day lives, and dealings. But the truth is we do not have Absolute Power, or Absolute Control, or any of those things. God Does. God Knows. God Weaves. As we hustle and bustle, fight and fury, consume, and gorge all with a belief that our little selves matter. Our little lives can be made bigger, better, more meaningful. God sits and smiles like the Cat in Carroll’s masterpiece.??
Remember ‘that punch’ at the Oscars? (my cynical side snides, makes a change from ‘that dress’ objectification huh?) - Here’s what was said about it that has been resonating for me recently. According to CNN,’Smith said that prior to his win, fellow nominee Washington shared some wisdom with him: “At your highest moment be careful, that’s when the devil comes for you.”’
The essence of this I suppose is - God First. Always.
In Love.