God Is Gracious blog
Heather Helmerich
Fourth grade teacher at Southwest Florida Christian Academy in Ft Myers FL
I have been teaching my sweet Kindergarten class for three months… and I LOVE IT! I am excited to see my kids and actually miss them over the weekend. Sometimes I feel moments of joy so big that I feel I’ll burst. Then other times I’m overwhelmed by the responsibilities and expectations. However, I still choose to see this new position as a triumph of the Lord.
I can see in this job that He loves me so much. I can feel His presence with me when I pause and call on Him. I am experiencing His faithfulness every day – it’s a gift to do what I know He called me to do.
I was concerned that being in a public school would be a difficult shift for me, with a background in private Christian school education. It hasn’t been simple by any means but I have found through friendships with my new coworkers that it is going to be okay. I have their support and they have mine. We are a team.
I know this is where God wants me to be and He placed the desire to teach in my heart. Since this is true, I can go to work and be strong and courageous through His strength. I know I cannot do this job in my own strength. I can rely on God to use me with the talents and gifts He’s given me.
This past week I was at my counselor’s office telling her about struggles in my new job. I shared that I was worried about being observed by the administration. She asked follow up questions and it led us to discussing performance, identify, and the gospel. She drew a picture for me on a blank sheet of paper and beautifully articulated the gospel. It was so life-giving!
She talked about how we try to perform so that others will give their approval and it’s a continuing cycle. Then she brought in the gospel and drew a cross reminding me that the real standard is God’s and I can’t ever measure up. His holiness is beyond our grasp. We required something or Someone to fill the gap. Jesus came to the rescue and took on our punishment. By the grace of God, He sees me as His child and I’m able to be in a relationship with Him. Now I’m living out my calling because of that same grace.
Through the conversation with my counselor, I realized that some of the stress I was taking on came from where I was basing my identity. I was focusing on how to perform and make people happy, rather than on being who God made me to be and trusting in Him. I was concerned with people-pleasing again, an old steady vice.
As I remember the visual she drew, it helps me take a deep breath and seek to honor the Lord with my job. I can go to work knowing that I’m doing it for God above all else. I can trust that He will be with me and guide me along the way. He has called me to follow Him, wherever that may be. I am safe living the surrendered life, following Him. My job is temporary and I am living in light of eternity. I am grateful for this perspective and the peace it brings.
“Whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
Colossians 3:23-24
My God and Father is full of grace: He’s given me this job and until I’m told otherwise, I’m serving Him there. He’s blessed me with great new coworkers, but they’re not my security, God is. He’s filled me with joy and purpose, and He didn’t have to. He calls us to follow Him and doesn’t promise and easy life, but it’s a life with Him and that’s worth the cost. As I follow Jesus, His grace abounds.
This article first appeared 11/6/22 on the heatherlynnhelmerich blog at https://heatherlynnhelmerich.wordpress.com
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