God is Good all the Time, All the Time God is Good!!
If you are over the age of 13 you have probably already personally encountered tremendous injustice in your life. This injustice may be huge to you while at the same time almost considered inconsequential to others that have endured a much worse injustice. The point is, injustice is hard to deal with when it hits you, it's big to you!
If you are like me, when someone violates your sense of right and wrong, it's hard to overlook and must be figured out in your mind. You just can't let it be, because you have to understand it, however, so often in life these injustices cannot be figured out. They are just radically wrong.
This brings us to a difficult subject, a difficult problem to solve. How is God good if He allows injustice in this world? How is He good to me? How is He good all the time?
First let me say, God IS GOOD ALL THE TIME AND ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!! Yes I really believe this, yes I have had tremendous injustice happen to me, yes it's hard to deal with injustice. Yes, injustice hurts your heart.
The problems in this world are the result of Sin! This Sin, was first and foremost committed against God. In other words, God experiences injustices done against Him everyday, in fact, all of the injustices ever committed against anyone were all committed against God at the same time!! Can you imagine that, let that sink in for a minute. All sin, all injustice is ultimately perpetrated against God!! As David said in Psalm 51 "Against thee and thee only have I sinned"
God has made a way to deal with sin, this solution that God offers to mankind is called Salvation. What is salvation? Salvation is the opportunity to have all of the injustice you have ever committed against God forgiven!! How? What did God do to make this possible? John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting Life"!!! God the Father sent God the Son to earth to be born of a virgin, so Jesus (God the Son) could live a perfect and sinless life. Jesus came to live this perfect and sinless life so that He would owe no sin debt of His own, therefore, He could die for all of the sins of all of mankind!! This is incredible, this is Love beyond description or equal. Then after Jesus died for our sins, He rose from the dead and conquered death, hell and the grave!! Rom. 3:23 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" 6:23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord"
Did you really listen to what you just read? Did you see something, did you see something amazing? How incredibly blind can we be? Did you see that God's justice is so perfect that He chose for Jesus to experience the greatest injustice in all of eternity. Perfect God taking on all of the imperfection of all mankind, so that all mankind could have sin paid for in full.
Can you see that we (people) challenge the goodness of God because He does not prevent injustice from happening to us, when He literally took upon Himself all of the injustices of all of mankind over all of the ages. Before you allow yourself to get bitter at God for allowing the injustice that has happened to you, please realize that it was done to Him too and not only your injustices but all others as well. All injustice, all sin was placed on Jesus, God the Son, so that He could forgive our sin, so we could have fellowship, a close relationship with God Himself. You can have fellowship with the God of the Bible because, God is Good all the Time, all the Time God is Good!!
May we be broken and fall on our faces in humility because of the Grace and Love of God shown to us daily!! May we rejoice in the Goodness of God!!
Truly, God is Good all the Time, all the Time God is Good!!
Is. 1:18
Pastor Beickel
1 Cor. 15:57-58