THE GOD FACTOR- 365 Days Of His Grace.
After the fall of man in the garden of Eden, man was condemned to face eternal hardship on earth therefore, we are bound to face difficulties in life. Even as children of God we are not exempted from experiencing difficulties. There will be times when it will seem like your whole world has come down crashing around you. It might come in form of you not getting a suitable job long after graduation, your business crashing, death of a loved one, or so many other ways the devil uses to test us.
Let us find solace in the fact that God is always on our side. I always tell the devil to take his best shot because the harder the problem, the greater the testimony. The Bible says in 1st John 4:4 that "He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world". This gives me assurance that in the end I will always conquer.
The reason why we occasionally loose battles against the devil is fear. But God has told us not to be afraid despite the situation we find ourselves in. Here`s an amazing fact, the phrase `fear not` appears 365 times in the Bible, meaning that his grace is sufficient for us to be fearless every single day of ALL the 365 days of the year. Wonderful, isn't it? We are meant to remain fearless year in year out! In fact, this is no persuasion as he has commanded it in his word(the Bible). Joshua 1:9- "Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go".
When confronting a problem, sometimes we feel like we have given our best and yet to no avail...You already know what I'm going to say next; don't give up! Keep going and I mean it! You do not know if the next turn is the end of the tunnel.
Art Berg says that "we should fail faster in order to succeed more" as we learn more from our mistakes than our successes. Napoleon Hill claims that nothing bad ever happens without equal or greater benefit in return; and just as I said earlier the harder the problem, the greater the testimony. These things are all proven in the Bible with the story of Job. In essence, you have the backing of God so you need not fear or worry about any challenging situation.