God Can Give You Wisdom to Handle Any Problem
Christopher Jesudason
Advisor - Marketing at VOC Port Authority ( One of the Major and busiest Harbour !
God Can Give You Wisdom to Handle Any Problem
The Bible says there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, and that is Jesus Christ. So when we know God as a Father Who cares, we are no longer orphans. An orphan is a person who has got no father and mother. If he has a need suddenly, whom can he go to? He can go to some uncle or some aunty, but he'll have to go like a beggar. He doesn't know whether the uncle or aunty will help him. The uncle or aunty may treat him in a very bad way. But if he's got a father, the father won't treat the son like a beggar. He can go and ask his father for anything, any amount of money, any amount of inconvenience he can ask his father to go through. But he hesitates to ask an uncle or an aunty or somebody else. But when he has a father, he is secure. If he has a problem he doesn't know the solution to, he can discuss it with his father. If he is far away in some city, he can ring up his father. It's wonderful to have a father, an earthly one, and it's exactly the same spiritually.
When you have found God as your heavenly Father, you can never feel lonely again. It is impossible, because the phone line is always open. You can always ring Him up; you can always call Him wherever you are. You can tell Him every need of yours; in fact, He knows your need even before you tell Him. He has an answer to every problem you can ever face in your life. Let me assure you this. I hope you believe it. It doesn't matter what your problem is. It doesn't matter how serious it is. I want to tell you in Jesus name that God has got a solution for it. And if you will come to Him in faith as a Father Who desires to help you, He won't scold you. I want to give you a lovely promise from the Word of God so that your faith does not rest on my words. Faith comes by the Word of God. It is written in?James 1:5, "If any of you lack wisdom….”?But what is wisdom? Wisdom is the knowledge of God, which helps us to find a practical solution. Not one which doesn't work. That will be a theoretical solution. It is a practical solution to a particular problem that we are facing. Okay that's wisdom. The knowledge of God, not?a knowledge?of a book. Do you know that there is a lot of difference in knowing the Bible and knowing God? Supposing you were separated from your father from childhood, and lived far away from your father for 25 years. And you read a book about your father's life stories, every detail. You would know about your father by reading that book, but you don't know your father. You have never spoken to him for 25 years. But another child who's grown up with his father, who's?never?read any book about his father, who's grown up with his father for 5 or 6 years, knows his father better than you know your father. Many people read the Bible. It's like reading a biography of your father. And you don't know your father himself. Wisdom is the knowledge of God as a Father and thus finding a solution to whatever problem I'm facing right now. It doesn't matter whether it's a family problem, a financial problem, a problem of marrying, getting your children married, problem of getting education for your children, or employment for them, or finding a house to live in. There are so many difficulties in the world in which we live. The answer is in God.
“If anyone lacks wisdom…”?it means anyone. You qualify to be one of those. Do you lack wisdom? That means do you lack a solution to the problem you are facing? Let him ask God. What should you do? You run around and ask so many people and it hasn't solved your problem. Why don't you do something else now? Why don't you ask God? God can hear you right where you are. Right now if you call out to God He can hear you. Will He give you? Sure. He's a Father. He's not an uncle. He's not a neighbor. Even a helpful neighbor may help us but a father much more. He is the best Father of all. And He'll give you the best. Jesus once said, "If you fathers know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more your heavenly Father will give good things to those who ask Him?"?If your son asks you for bread, will you give him a stone? No. If he asks for an egg, will you give him a scorpion? Will you give him something to harm him? No, you'll give him exactly what he needs. That's exactly how God is. He gives us exactly what we need. And he says God will give you and generously. That's what this verse says,?James 1:5.?Not the few drops. You ask for a spoon, He'll give you a bucket. You need a spoonful of wisdom, and He'll give you a bucket of it, generously. God is like that. And the other thing it says here is?“without scolding you”.?You know fathers sometimes scold their children,?"Oh you stupid fellow, don't you know the answer to that?"?God will never scold us. Remember this. He will never scold us. He will never say “why don't you know the answer to that?". It will be given to you; there is only one condition. Now listen to this condition. You have to ask in faith. That's what it says in?James 1:6. In fact, it goes on to say in verse 6-7 that?"If you don't ask Him in faith, you won' get it".
You may want the wisdom. God may want to give it to you. The need is there. The solution is there but you don't get it. Because when you ask you don't believe. It's that simple. Maybe this is the reason why you haven't found the solution to your problems yet. Why don't you decide today onwards, to believe the revelation of God that Jesus brought? God as the Father knows your every need. It may be a physical need for healing. Maybe a spiritual need, whatever it is.?Maybe a solution for a family problem that has gone on for years.?You may not be able to solve the problem but you may be able to solve that part of it that's bothering you. Ask in faith. Say,?"Lord, from today I'm going to believe. I want to believe that?You?will solve this problem of mine. Why? Because?You?are my Father. Because Jesus loves me, died for me, I'm cleansed in his blood, I'm Your son, I'm Your daughter. I have a right to ask?You. You are my Father."?Why don't you ask God right now? Mention that problem. Be specific. Don't be general, be specific and say,?"Lord this particular problem I commit it to You,?I'm trusting?You to answer me."?And you can be absolutely certain that God will give you generously without scolding you and God will be glorified. Be sure to give Him the glory when the answer comes.
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