God Bless America

God Bless America

Mission BBQ (https://mission-bbq.com/) is the the best American restaurant the entire county and you know what? It has delicious food at reasonable prices! I I There is a time when you need to take as stand for what is right and this is my time! Kate Smith wrote the song God Bless America, the one-verse song that became an overnight hit, and a hopeful song as war threatened into World War II. “It’s not a patriotic song,” composer Irving Berlin said in a 1940 interview, “but an expression of gratitude for what this country has done for its citizens, of what home really means.” Today, many Americans consider “God Bless America” an unofficial national anthem of the United States. Well my story today is not about this song but about our National Anthem--you know the Star-Spangled Banner lyrics come from the "Defence of Fort M'Henry", a poem written by Francis Scott Key, a 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet, on September 14, 1814, after he witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships of the Royal Navy in Outer Baltimore Harbor in the Patapsco River during the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812. Key was inspired by the large U.S. flag, with 15 stars and 15 stripes, known as the Star-Spangled Banner, flying triumphantly above the fort during the U.S. victory. Yea that one. Today I met my son and daughter-in-law for lunch at Mission BBQ in Colorado Springs at noon. We were early they were late. As we were looking over the menu an announcement was made that everyone should stand up and sing the national anthem, because every day at noon they played the National Anthem every day at noon. Well we stood up and EVERYONE in the place stood, faced the flag and sang along with the recording the National Anthem. I got goosebumps. Being a Cold War Veteran, with a Father that supported efforts in Viet Nam with the Air National Guard for 33 years, and having grown up in an era where we learned to support freedom, the Constitution and doing what is right. Here I was singing out loud, in public, with probably a hundred other patriots the National Anthem, while we are seeing terrorists and traitors chant "Death to America" across our nation. I do not want to mince words here, the radical Islamists, Antifa and BLM Marxists and brainwashed followers that wear masks because they are cowards shouting "Death to America" are domestic terrorists--EVERY single one of them!!!! And they should be expelled IMMEDIATELY FROM The US, its not my opinion but law US( https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ56/PLAW-107publ56.htm) and every official in the United States swears an oath against them--those that ignore this oath are either cowards or traitors (YES I SAID THAT! ) Why because I was trained to seek out domestic terrorists and oppose them for the sake of the Constitution and YOU!). That was my job. Yes the President swore this oath as well and continues to not only ignore this oath but is actively trying to do things to gain their votes. Let that sink in, votes are more important to him than our safety and sovereignty as a nation. These are people, the ones wearing masks, shouting DEATH TO AMERICA, that have been brainwashed into thinking that freedom choice is a bad thing, they think Jews are scum (just Like HITLER--think about that!) freedom is something that the government gives you if you only support their ideas 100 percent, the same lies told to Adam and Eve the same lies Hitler told his people. I find it disgusting and terribly disturbing that college students that fail to pay back their student loans and want a free hand outs (its not free we pay for it) decided to become traitors to the nation that gave them freedom to side with known terrorists, communists, radical islamists or worse. You know what I think? kick them out of college, let them figure out what life is really about, go make a living not based on handouts. I am not going to apologies, or sugar coat this, I spent 22 years of my life fighting against the very thing we are seeing today--communism, radical islamists, and marxism. I was hired to do this! The battle today is within--Local government, Congress and even the Whitehouse. Its not that I swore to protect the Constitution, I believe in it! God gave us the gift of free choice, only communists and radical islamists want to take that away. The joke is on them, they can't! So lets go back to Mission BBQ. This is what America is about https://mission-bbq.com/our-story/ What a fantastic place! Born out of the terriorism of 9/11 (https://mission-bbq.com/our-story/). I was in in USSPACECOM during 9/11 I had a front row seat our response, Gen Ed Eberhart was and is a patriot! When I grew up we recited the pledge of allegiance to the flag--every day, we sang the National Anthem, we sang Christmas Carols every Christmas and respected Jews that had a different perspesctive--no apologies this is the United States of America, if you want to become a citizen here then you owe your allegiance to us, not some other country or ideal--but to us. We were founded on Christian and Jewish principals not on the lies of Islam--yea I said that! Don't like it then STAY HOME, even better GET OUT! For those that complain about the FREE FOOD AND HOUSING---go back home--WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE!!!. My Irish and German ancestors came here for a new life. They did not complain, they were treated poorly often like slaves. The Irish built our railroads and were treated like slaves. They don't ask for reparations they only want freedom and a chance to work hard for something that they deserve, not because of their race, but because of their work ethic. Want to debate this--I am on for it. lets do it! God Bless America, God Bless Mission BBQ.

I was just in 1 for the first time over the lunch hour, and experienced firsthand that stand for the national anthem concept. Absolutely awesome!


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