Goblins and Witches and the Festival of Lights: Cultures come together in the sweetest way
Binda Gokhale FCPA, GAICD
Board Director | Strategy, Policy, Finance & Governance Specialist | Aspiring Writer
The street suddenly filled with lots of noise
Shrieking sounds of excited little girls and boys
Goblins and Witches roamed all around
‘Trick or Treat!’ they yelled in a familiar happy sound
I had no lollies in the house
No small gifts or treats that would appease
What trick lay before me now?
My mind asked feeling a bit ill at ease
A cute little goblin at the door stood
A pumpkin bucket in hand, head covered with a hood
Innocent eyes beckoned and he would ask for a treat I was sure
But instead he asked why I had a lamp lit outside my door
I explained that it was also Diwali when we fill our homes with light
That we decorated the house and dressed up in colors bright
It was to celebrate the good over evil in our hearts
And that we wished family and friends well as the new year starts
I gave him a gold coin in lieu of the sweets
And asked that he use it to buy himself some treats
But no, he said, he would keep it safely if he may
And use it for his next school gold coin donation day
For me this celebration of good over evil would be hard to beat
Happy Diwali to all and for those celebrating Halloween, Happy Trick or Treat