The goat glands surgeon’s secret about whom you should listen to
Dan Kennedy and Chip Kessler’s book Making Them Believe had some hidden nuggets of cabbage found for the attentive goat.
Some of which I brought you here today,
FREE OF CHARGE because of how much of a charitable, handsome, and humble man I am.
The man in question is John R. Brinkley, who made himself a fortune of millions of dollars (possibly amounting to billions if adjusted to inflation) with a unique and potentially fake surgery that made his sexually frustrated patients regain their “youthful vigor” and “make love better than they ever thought possible”.
In essence,?
He offered a cure for impotence in the form of transplanting goat’s glands to sexually deprived men.
Whether it really worked or was a placebo effect, the patients routinely gave him testimonials and letters of gratitude (as well as large sums of money) because they restored their “pep and vitality”. One of the patients’ wife was so elated with the doctor’s - and his husband’s - performance, that she asked if he could transplant goat’s ovaries to match the power if you know what I mean.
Needless to say,
He was America’s #1 celebrity in the 1920-s and 1930-s.
Partly because his method received A LOT of scrutiny from the medical establishment (I don’t know why…) which gave him a lot of publicity, but also because he followed principles for success that are still relevant today.
Bear in mind, though,?
That in the 1920-s and 1930-s, people were thinking much differently.
It was awkward to talk about sex.
Let alone talk about impotence and sexual frustration in marriage.
LET ALONE boarding a train that would take you 100s of miles away, go into a previously unseen doctor’s room, have your most intimate part opened and a random goat’s testicles sewn onto you in a procedure that might or might not work.?
And I haven’t even mentioned the hefty price tag attached to the procedure.
In a time when people were lucky to have money to buy shoes and not have to go barefoot in the snow.
Maybe the last one was exaggeration, but you get my point.
He was a pretty successful and persuasive guy.
And I think he can teach a thing or two to copywriters like you and me.
One of his lessons was about the ONLY two people you should listen to:
Your customers and yourself.
Yourself, because (presumably) you know yourself, your copywriting abilities, writing style, and words the best.
And your customers, because at the end of the day, they’re the ones you’re selling to and they’re the ones who are buying your products and services.
(I purposefully wrote customers because you shouldn’t listen to every random schlub who just got onto your or your client’s list)
That was lesson one.
Stay tuned because I might bring some mighty secrets from the goat testicles surgeon.
In the meantime, read my ebook for beginner copywriters at