Goals (Version 2016)
In addition to the typical New Year's resolutions such as "eat healthy" and "exercise", I have decided to commit to some other types of goals. I'm now aboard the career train and it's time to set some new (and realistic) goals to go along with it.
Personally, I am going to set 3 goals for myself. 3 seems like a very attainable number (look I'm already setting myself up for success).
Academic learning used to overwhelm me. I hated being tested on things I knew I was going to forget as soon as the course was over.
Well this isn't the case when it comes to me now... I LOVE LEARNING. People who know me are probably thinking "Not the Hailey I know." But its TRUE! Real life learning is so much better than textbook learning.
The things I am going to learn are going to help me do my job better, help others more effectively, and overall just become more "real world" knowledgeable.
In 2016 I'm going to learn something new EVERYDAY.
I'm going to accomplish this by making a conscious effort to read informative articles, non-fiction & informative books, watching TED talks, etc.
I decided 2016 is the year of talking to everyone.
When I run into someone at the water cooler I'll ask "Hey, how are ya today?" I may even ask them about things other than the weather... dun dun dun.
Working has confirmed my realization that there are some really interesting people in this world; and I won't meet if I keep my head down.
Time to make some new friends (Don't worry old friends - not looking to replace you!)
I tend to just wait for things to happen.
My thought process normally goes as such:
Me: I could ask about it
Me: OR I could just wait and see if they bring it up
Me: But what if they don't?
Me: Oh well...
Well, 2016 is the year I stop holding back (and maybe the year I stop talking to myself).
I most likely miss out on a lot of great opportunities because I talk myself out of asking more about it.
Hey - maybe something great will come from it and maybe it won't. There is only one way to find out...
3 goals that I get to work on every single day. Challenge accepted.